WFH: 7 things you need know when setting up home office in bedroom

  Are you finding it challenging to create an ideal workspace within the confines of your bedroom? Setting up a home office in the room where you sleep demands thoughtful consideration to blend functionality with comfort seamlessly. However, with the right approach you can create a productive workspace that enhances your efficiency while maintaining the…

Top 5 ways to stay productive when working from home

New research shows that employees who primarily work from home feel twice as disengaged as those in the office... In light of our shifting work patterns we talk to Andrew Jackson and David Tinker, co-founders of Rethinkly, about their top tips for remaining productive when working from home:     1  Establish a routine    Research surrounding the…

9 Ways To Save Money While Working From Home

Since the Covid-19 pandemic, many people in the UK have begun working from home regularly, but with soaring energy prices this winter, many will be contemplating how to manage the additional costs of working in their own homes.  In conjunction with Which? we've found a number of ways consumers can make savings while working from…

5 Tips for Growing Professionally When Working from Home

With the global COVID-19 pandemic that has affected the world for the past couple of years now, more and more people than ever before have been consistently working from home and have been living quite socially isolated lives, by normal standards. While for many people, working from home has been a long-term dream – and…

Top 10 Best and Worst WFH behaviours revealed

A new study by Premier Inn reveals that over half of UK workers (53%) find their colleagues less annoying when working remotely   The top three most annoying behaviours included slow responses to emails (61%), background noise on calls (60%) and eating on camera (59%)  The most endearing behaviours colleagues display while working remotely include messaging to ask how you are (64%), replying quickly (62%) and…

1 in 5 of those WFH not even leaving house

One in five of us who are WFH aren’t even leaving the house in daylight hours during the week as lockdown continues to take its toll. Being too busy to take a lunch break, poor weather and having no reason to go out means 87% have had spells this winter where they haven’t set foot…

5 Cool Tech Gadgets for Working from Home

One of the key successes of working at home is having all of the right gadgets. So, now is the time to get your home office ready so that you can be productive this year. Don't know where to start? Here are five cool tech gadgets we love and that are great for working from…

6 in 10 Brits would WFA (work from anywhere), claims AirBnB

Office workers are adopting a ‘work from anywhere’ approach – by looking for temporary ‘home offices’ on the coast or away from the cities. At least that's according to AirBnB (well they would say that wouldn't they?) A study of 2,000 'WFH' adults found six in 10 would consider working remotely from somewhere other than…

4 in 10 workers fear for mental health working from home

Four in 10 British office workers fear their mental health and wellbeing will suffer if they have to spend another six months working from home. The study of 2,000 employees found 41 per cent already feel more anxious and isolated than ever before, after already spending months cooped up. Missing out on office banter, feeling…