Facebook vs. Twitter: What if you could only pick ONE?

Don't worry. It's hypothetical. Unless our daily social media intake suddenly starts to get rationed, which in light of recent events isn't that hard to imagine, then it's not a decision anyone would have to make any time soon, but what if you did have to choose just one, FOREVER? Granted some people prefer LinkedIn…

Is it REALLY worth subscribing to Spotify?

Spotify is increasingly becoming a love-it-or-hate-it kind of service, much like Marmite or the Twilight franchise. In my experience, those that avoid it tend to fall into one of two, or both, of these categories: "My music taste is just so obscure that Spotify doesn't have any of my favourite tracks." "I'm not paying money…

The top ten magazine and newspaper Tumblr blogs

You'd be forgiven for thinking Tumblr is just a crazy world of GIF images and cheesy quotes, but as we've seen in the past from our Top ten Tumblr blogs you should be following and Top 20 Tumblrs posts, it can be much more than that with the right person (or brand, or magazine, or…

Most Default Avatars are Men: Why that matters

The great web sociologist Danah Boyd just wrote a blog post about user interface design and how it affects the social norms on a site. It's really interesting, you should read it. It got me thinking about one way we subtly set the social norms on the sites we create. And that's default avatars. You…

Creative Uses of Chatroulette #1: A Ben Folds Concert

We don't count getting your willy out as a creative use of Chatroulette. No, boobs don't count either. But, this concert by Ben Folds does count. This is a creative use of Chatroulette. The singer sits at a piano in a humungous concert hall, lets Chatroulette roll and sings some incredible improvised stuff riffing off…

In Pictures: Hot new Spiderman is Black, Hispanic, Hot

Marvel have been making headlines with a new Spiderman - Miles Morales - who is not just new, but one of the first key comicbook heros to be black or Hispanic. He's both in fact, being mixed-race. Still geeky, still working-class - he also has the toned body and bulging pecs of a man who…

Facebook Top Friends: Why the randoms show up – finally explained

Trawling the hundreds of fascinating comments on our Facebook Top Friends story which questioned who turns up there and why, we came across a comment that might just explain it. I think someone has cracked it. Or at least, cracked the reason why randoms show up in there. No-one is questioning why your good friends…