Nokia's 6260 slider for plenty of high speed action

Nokia's 6220 Classic is a bit of a boring handset. Change the name, introduce some sliding action into the equation and a bigger screen and, well, it's still a bit of a dull handset. Introducing the Nokia 6260. But it's not always about having an exciting design. Sometimes the insides of a handset have as…

It's day 8: Vodafone LiveGuy makes it to Cardiff

It's day 8 of the Vodafone LiveGuy challenge and he's walking the streets of Cardiff as I type. So if you're a Cardiff resident, Vodafone LiveGuy could be somewhere near you today. It's definitely worth having a scout about town - there could be a free Dell netbook in it for you and the self…

Onion powered iPod is an environmentalist's dream

An environmentally friendly iPod user, probably affected by the state of the economical climate, found himself brainstorming money saving ideas that would enable him to hold on to a few pennies during these harsh times. This brainstorm eventually led to a way to power his iPod using nothing more than an energy drink and an…

Facebook tries to bag Twitter and fails

Facebook is undisputedly the king (or queen) of social networking sites. And if you're a dedicated Facebook user, there's a good chance you use the hugely popular microblogging site Twitter, to update your daily goings on. But like the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and the Mega Dragonzord, would you want the two to combine to…

USB heated gloves will definitely help you survive the office winter

How I wish I had a pair of these RIGHT NOW. It is absolutely arctic in Shiny Towers today. The temperature is so sub zero I've actually lost part of the feelings in my hands - they feel numb like the blood has actually ceased circulating. So I'm improvising today. My hands will not be…

Freesat+ Humax Foxsat-HDR hit the shops over the weekend

Are you familiar with Freesat, that ingenious digital service that scraps monthly subscriptions to pave the way for high definition content for a one off fee? And with high definition programming on offer from the BBC and ITV, as well as digital channels such as E4, it certainly is a good looking package. Well now…

Henry the hoover has a girlfriend

Just like Mona Lisa's enigmatic smile, I just knew there had to be something behind Henry's mysteriously cheeky smile. Turns out it was his vacuuming lady friend Hetty. Now you can have your very own miniature vacuum cleaning couple, and put them together so they can stare at each other with those adorably flirty eyes.…

Samsung's folding mobile makes for a very *very* exciting concept

There's only so long traditional candybar phones, sliders, clamshells, smartphones et al are going to reign supreme. And if this concept design by Samsung is anything to go on, the aforementioned phones are out and folding phones are in. A folding phone? What's that, how does that work I hear you say? Well as the…

Gadgets that would change the world if they were real

Last week I did a gallery of the concept gadgets I wished were real and available to get my geeky mitts on. This week, my weekly commentary on the tech world is all about gadgets that quite frankly are never gonna happen, but doesn't stop me badly coveting them as much as a malnutritioned wilder…

The Boombench would make the best bus stop bench EVER

Now if this was at my local bus stop, firstly that'd be a reason to break my bus boycott and secondly I'd be more than happy to wait for a bus and chat to the elderly about "the lovely weather we're having". I might even be persuaded to miss one bus and catch the next…