Google adds recipe to its search options: Yes, really, that many people search for recipes every day


Google is adding a “Recipe” section to its search options, alongside “Images”, “Videos” and “News”.

If that seems a bit of a trivial category to you – just consider the Wall Blog’s stats on the matter – 1% of Google searches on any given day are for recipes. Which works out at 100,000 a day.

Google are proud of their new search tool, which also lets users search for particular things within recipes like low-calorie meals or ones with or without particular ingredients. It’s all about their shift to intelligent structured search tools instead of random word association..

See Google Recipe View and their blog post about it on the Google Blog

Anna Leach

One thought on “Google adds recipe to its search options: Yes, really, that many people search for recipes every day

  • Google para la busqueda es el mejor herramienta de la ultima generacion.

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