AI tools ‘much hyped but not much used’, YouTube rolls out Playables

Very few people are regularly using "much hyped" artificial intelligence (AI) products like ChatGPT, a survey suggests. Researchers surveyed 12,000 people in six countries, including the UK, with only 2% of British respondents saying they use such tools on a daily basis. But the study, from the Reuters Institute and Oxford University, says young people…

10 mistakes that can kill your podcast

Michael Olatunji, co-founder of podcast and video production studio Outset Studio, identifies 10 mistakes that can kill your podcast... Over 21 million people in the UK listen to podcasts on a regular basis. They range from celebrity gossip to niche discussions on the mining industry. Creating a podcast is also a fantastic way of promoting…

YouTube promotion – get quality fast

Video consumption online has been relentlessly expanding for a long time. YouTube has become a mecca for brands and companies looking to extend their profile and drive changes. Nowadays, it is one of the foremost prevalent social media players together with Facebook, TikTok and Instagram. Approximately 2 billion users watch YouTube each month. If you've…

Facebook user decline: what the experts say

Social media giant Facebook has seen the number of its daily active users (DAUs) drop for the first time in its 18-year history. Facebook's parent company Meta Networks says DAUs fell to 1.929bn in the three months to the end of December, compared to 1.930bn in the previous quarter. The firm also warned of slowing…

ShinyShiny snippets: Reddit to go public

Social media platform Reddit has announced that it has started the process to sell its shares on the stock market. In a confidential filing, it did not reveal how many shares it planned to sell or the price of the shares. In August, the company said it had raised $700m (£528m) in new funding, valuing…

UK adults spent more time online in 2020 than those from other nations

UK adults spent more time online on computers, smartphones or tablets in 2020 than those in other European countries, according to Ofcom’s annual study into the nation’s online habits. Its Online Nation 2021 report looked at an unprecedented year, when communication, entertainment, culture, retail, work and education moved more online. UK adults spent more than…

Adults ask for help over 6,000 times in their life

Adults will ask for help and advice more than 6,000 times in their life – going to friends for relationship advice, Dad when moving house and Mum for parenting tips. A study of 2,000 Brits found the average adult has turned to 31 people for help so far over their lifetime. Over the course of…

Top 50 online activities during Coronavirus lockdown

Live meditation sessions, music concerts and even visits to the zoo are among the Top 50 online activities taking place online as the nation adapts to ‘virtual living’. A study of 2,000 adults found many people have gone way beyond conference calls, keep fit sessions and online pub quizzes. Lockdown has forced us to find…

Top Five Reasons Behind Video Games’ Soaring Popularity

The video games industry has enjoyed phenomenal growth over the past few years and experts now value it at $152 billion. It is tipped to soar past the $300 billion mark by 2025, leaving the film and music industries firmly in its shade. Why have video games become the world’s most popular entertainment medium in…