ShinyShiny daily round up: Mini goes vegan, ESA calls for disabled astronauts

One of the most iconic British car brands is going vegan. Mini, which is now owned by BMW, has announced that it is to cease offering leather interiors in all new models. It has replaced the leather with recycled fabric and an underlining that’s 70 percent recycled. “We don’t need leather any more in the…

Veganism and celebrity gossip biggest ‘turn offs’ for Brits

Boring subjects most likely to make Brits 'turn off' during a conversation include celebrity gossip, veganism - and Meghan and Harry. A poll of 2,000 adults discovered what makes the nation prick up their ears, and what makes them tune out of a conversation. Rants about online dating, Brexit and diets are also likely to…

Top 8 Vegan foods to get you a good night’s sleep during ‘Veganuary’

Struggling to sleep at night? It may be time to jump on the ethical trend that is sweeping the nation and embrace the vegan way of life. It’s safe to say that ‘Veganuary’ is in full swing, with many, including a number of celebrity advocates and social media health gurus, taking on the challenge. Among…