Babelgum = free internet mobile TV from Vodafone

Vodafone has just announced the details of a free mobile TV service, for people who have signed their lives away on a contract. The downloadable services goes by the name Babelgum, which is basically an unintentional portmanteau of that film starring Brad Pitt and bubblegum. The downloadable app for the iPhone, Nokia 6210, N95 and…

The arrival of Dell's smartphone is imminent

Dell can't ignore the mobile phone market any more. And of all the big names taking up the tech industry, Dell is one of the last names you'd think of to be releasing its very own smartphone. But joining the Palm Pre, Nokia N97 and possibly the much-talked about Android G2, is Dell's (apparently) much-hyped…

The Star Wars Force Trainer wants you to use The Force

Apparently, The Force is in all of us. However, as all die hard Star Wars fans should know (and those who have spent many hours brow furrowing and concentrating hard on an object willing it to move), some individuals prove more adept at wielding their powers than others. The Star Wars Force Trainer, however, does…

Gadgety Lego goodies coming soon courtesy of Digital Blue

Holy crap! Now here are some quirky Lego products that actually use official Lego bricks, as opposed to Lego-esque bricks. An unlikely partnership between Lego and Digital Blue means we'll be seeing Lego-inspired gadgetry - cameras, MP3 players, walkie talkies, USB drives, boom boxes, alarm clock radios - this summer. They will look like something…

ezGear's gaming guitar lets your friends know you rock

If you want to play Guitar Hero 2 and Rock Band: World Tour for your Wii,PC or Mac and* simultaneously ooze rock star status, one way to turn the fantasy into reality would be with ezGear's You Rock Guitar. And it goes without saying, some kind of rock star attire would stand you in good…


The Consumer Electronics Show is finally kaput, the stands have been packed away and the buzz is dying down, which can only mean one thing - round-up time. There was a whole lotta' gadgetry to take in last week and while Susi, Dan and Zara (who are no doubt all feeling the effects of jet…

Sumsing Turbo 3000 Xi Multitask – the ultimate mobile phone

We all dream about having the bestest, most excellent or ultimate mobile phone (at least the true geeks do anyway) and we're not far off from having every aspect of our everyday lives crammed into a plastic brick. But picture this, if you will - a mobile that acts as a dishwasher, can iron out…

Do you live in a crime zone?

If there's something strange in your neighbourhood, who you gonna call? Well... no one - just go on line and see how much crime is going down in your neck of the woods. If you fear your area is heavily embedded with crime - possibly knife and gun toting hoodies/youths running around, wreaking havoc in…

Take in a bit of Twit history

Twitter is taking the world by storm - even the celebs want in on the Twittersphere. But can you imagine if the internet made an appearance waaaay before Vinton Cerf came up with the brain wave in 1973, and simultaneously, the ancestors of the brain box's behind Twitter invented microblogging and brought us Twitter at…

Could keyboards be on the agenda for Rock Band 3?

Word on the web is Harmonix won't be releasing Rock Band 3 this year - and that's from the horses mouth itself. Considering Rock Band 2 only made it onto the Xbox 360 in September, it's only right to give it a bit of breathing space before its successor is released. However, there are talks…