A beginner's guide to If This Then That (ifttt)

If This Then That is an online service which has been invite-only for the LONGEST time. Luckily the team behind it weren't too stingy with the invites and most people who wanted to trial the service could have a go pretty easily, but now it's an even simpler "sign up" process we imagine it'll become…

Britain's cheapest tablets: Five under £100

We all know that you get what you pay for and tablet devices are (usually) no exception to the rule. Most of the time the best models cost the most and unfortunately that's just the way the cookie crumbles. However, that doesn't mean to say there aren't plenty of cheaper devices out there that aren't…

10 Best video editing apps for the iPhone: iMovie, Viddy and iSupr8

There are all kinds of photo editing apps on the iTunes store, from a library full of run-of-the-mill retro filters that make your photos look like grainy keepsakes from the 70's, through to those that stretch your face around and turn your surroundings into sketches, the choice is pretty endless. But the iPhone 4 now…

Clever Facebook creates your friend lists for you

According to TechCrunch, Facebook has slowly started to roll out a new feature called Smart Lists, which proves it takes grouping your friends just as seriously as Google+ does. Smart Lists appear to organise your friends for you without you having to really do anything yourself. This takes away the time consuming process of creating…

Should mobile phones be banned on public transport?

Imagine the scene, you've been on a packed tube train for around half an hour, you spent ten minutes pressed up against some big guy's armpit, you were kicked by a kid in a pram (prams on tubes should be banned before phones) and you finally get a seat when someone sat opposite you answers…

Electric cars to take over London

A number of car manufacturers have made electric, hybrid and low-CO2 emitting vehicles over the past few years, including the likes of Fiat, Honda and Citroen, as well as more niche brands like Tesla Motors. Most people see these cars as brilliant ideas, but they're often considered a bit too pricey or high maintenance, so…

Have daily deal sites had their day?

Do you remember back when everyone (and we mean everyone) signed up to Groupon and we were all revelling in the joy of having random coupons and promotions delivered directly to our inboxes? Well, it seems it's taken us a year or so to realise that we don't need our toes waxed or to take…

6 Content curation apps for the iPad

It's always great to discover new things all by yourself, but often curated content that's brought to you from links your networks have shared is a much quicker and more efficient way to consume all kinds of news, rather than spending hours browsing all around the web for it. There are many who would argue…

Is social media stopping you from getting a good night's sleep?

We're tired of sensationalist stories which claim that social media is single handedly causing the breakdown of relationships, turning our brains into mush and making us more reclusive. However, a new study shows that it could have an impact on how well we sleep and although that might not seem as serious as developing OCD…

15 TOUGH iPhone and iPad cases

We've seen our fair share of iPhone and iPad cases here at Shiny Shiny, from the multifunctional to the crafty, the eco-friendly to the stylish, but there comes a time when we get a little sick of what something looks like and what fancy material it's made from. Instead we want a case that will…