The Quiz where you are allowed to use Google… GoogleADay


Pub Quizzes have been killed by the smartphone. Those trivia questions about boxing champions in the 70s are now just a search term and a click away and though you can ban competitors from checking their iPhones you can’t really stalk around a pub ripping them out of the hands of your clients…

So, Google have invented their own trivia quiz – where you have to use Google. Trivia is not dead, it’s just got way harder and it’s about how well you can search rather than how much random shit you can remember. You just have to be smart about using them and think laterally with the search terms.

That’s my kind of quiz. Google are posting a question a day for a week on They’re artifically altering search results so that spoilers from other users don’t come up.

Get cracking! The questions will get more difficult as the week wears on – try out this one for today though:

Two future presidents signed me. Two didn’t because they were abroad. Despite my importance, modern viewers seem to think I have a glaring spelling error. What is it?

[via Google Blog]

Anna Leach