Gmail gets multiple inbox panes

Goodness those Googlers have been busy little bees recently (mainly because they're all allowed to spend 20% of their time on these fun labs side projects). The latest labs product is Multiple Inboxes, which will create separate panes for different filters or labels. So, you can see your inbox, all messages containing the word 'pub',…

New PSP colours to hit Europe

You might want to cancel that flight to Tokyo that you booked when you found out they were going to get three new PSPs in Carnival Colours. Its turns out we're getting some new versions of our own, including the 'Radiant Red' from the Japanese range. Although between you and me, that looks suspiciously like…

These speakers won't fly but they will squeal

Remember the little piggy that went to market, then there was the one who stayed home, another little piggy had roast beef, the other, sadly had none, then there were these little piggies who cried # I wah wah wah wah wonder # as they played the sounds of the Runaways through their cuddly and…

Google's Chrome to get extensions

I won't abandon Firefox in favour of Google's Chrome because I've invested a lot of time and emotions into getting all the add-on goodness to make it my perfect piece of software. But I know there are those out there who love the lightening speed and stability of the Chrome. Now it seems I'm going…

An Apple a day keeps that Stutter at bay

It's very frustrating if you're afflicted with a stutter, as people don't appreciate how hard it is to make yourself understood. Speech therapy can work, but it does take a long time, so being able to train on the go is a very helpful idea. Hollins Communications Research Institute have developed an iPhone application which…

Guess who's getting their Blackberry on

He's featured in our Guess the Celebrity feature before, but who is this finely dressed gentleman deeply engrossed in his Blackberry? Any clue about this person will result in immediate and accurate guesses on your behalf - so instead, I'm going to provide a few clues that you'll only know about if you are truly…

By popular demand: all your Twitter accounts on one page, with Tweet3

From our poll on what people are using Twitter for, it seems there's a few people out there who have more than one Twitter account (I've got four. Which is, perhaps, overkill) and the main complaint is that it's really difficult to keep track of them. I've resorted to using Tweetdeck for the @ShinyShiny account,…

Windows Mobile 6.5 this year, version 7 next year?

If like Dan over at Tech Digest, you have a certain level of detestation for Windows Mobile, just skip onto the next post - this is all about 'Life Without Walls'. So, according to current web tittle-tattle, the next iteration of the Windows Mobile OS could land as soon as Q3 this year. That means…

The Tefal Quick Cup: The next chapter

There's nothing like a hot cup of tea to help you get through your day (or in my case hot Ribena). Now, the Tefal Quick Cup caused quite a stir when it made its debut into the mainstream. 'Is it actually a kettle?' was probably the most frequently asked question - which is fair enough…

Just what you've always wanted – a netbook in weighty suitcase??

If ever there was an incredibly futile and senseless contraption, the netbook in a suitcase is it. In fact, if there was a prize going for the most useless or preposterously outlandish or waste of space gadgetry this'd be a sure fire winner. What was its creator thinking (or on?). I think somewhere along the…