LaCie CurrenKey is novelty coinage

This is one of those cleverly designed flash drives with mass novelty appeal – especially given the state of the economic climate and our ongoing financial woes. Wouldn’t it be nice to smile instead of cry about money (and the fact your favourite cheese has gone up by £1.45 in your local Sainsbury’s) for a change. From afar, the LaCie CurrenKey wouldn’t look out of place in a pile of spare change. Upon closer inspection, it may look a bit like the plastic money your teachers would give you to trick you into learning, but with a metal exterior, the CurrenKey feels like a real coin – albeit a bit thicker. Just don’t mix it with your real money – all it takes is a few drinks and your LaCie flash drive wouldn’t look out of place from the coinage rattling around in your purse/bottom of your bag/pocket.
Available in 4GB copper bronze flavours or an 8GB shiny silver version, they cost $20 USD and $30 USD respectively, which shouldn’t hurt you too much if you happen to accidentally drop it into a charity bucket. Although, if you’ve got precious government documents or personal photos stored on it, you probably won’t be amused.
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