Guess which badly dressed celeb is showing off his Blackberry Bold?

Who’s this colourful fashion victim (someone call the fashion po po) looking like he’s just been vomited up by the 80’s? And is that a Spiderman hat I see? Going on past precedent, it’s safe to say this person’s fashion choices are really out there, so I’m not really surprised to see him in such a ghetto un-fabulous outfit. Luckily, he has the Blackberry Bold in his grasp (and an Obama t-shirt) and is at the official AT&T Blackberry Bold party, so that ups his status tenfold. AND the fact he’s at the official Blackberry Bold party suggests he can’t be a social leper (which is what his clothes suggest). So who is this guy and what has he done to warrant such extravagant style choices?
To give you a few clues, he’s a Scottish actor, quite well known for his supporting role in GoldenEye, X2: X-Men United and his award winning performance in the revitalised Cabaret. This cheeky chap’s also a bit of a comedian.
Find out who he is after the jump…

Did you get it right? Probably not. It’s Alex Cumming fulfilling his dream of becoming a rapper (and he’s doing it horribly horribly wrong) and rubbing shoulders with the likes of Tyson Beckford and other celebs eager to get their hands on the Blackberry Bold in New York. His street cred’s probably gone completely down the drain (but did he have any in the first place?), but he is supporting Obama, so maybe we can forgive him for his mahoosive fashion faux pas.
If my photoshop skills were sharper I’d have inserted a speech bubble with the words “I iz da man” as that’s exactly what he looks like he’s thinking. Well he is as long as the Bold is in his hands. Without it, he’s just a man in cerazy clothes.
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You should probably get your facts straight, before you verbaly bash somebody on the internet. And yeah, I agree with Scott, it’s not to hard to know, his name is Alan. There’s such thing as doing a little research before you post it on the internet. And I’m sure he’d love to see this page.
His name is, ALAN cumming. Alex, is his dad.
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