Revealed: The UK health and fitness apps selling your personal data

The UK’s most popular health and fitness apps collect 14 personal data points about their users on average, with the exercise tracker Fitbit collecting the most information Data harvesters who sell on your personal information can legally gather your location, photos, videos and health and fitness details from these apps Running coach app Runna shares…

NHS AI tool ‘could slash waiting times for cancer treatment’

The new AI tool could be rolled out across the entire NHS. Credit: Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Radiotherapy waiting times for NHS cancer patients could be drastically reduced thanks to the development of a new health tool which uses artificial intelligence. Known as OSAIRIS, it is claimed the tool…

Choosing the Right Health Insurance: 8 Facts to Help You Make an Informed Decision

Are you looking for the right health insurance plan that fits your needs while also providing great coverage and value? Selecting the best option can be time-consuming and confusing with so many different plans available. Choosing a suitable health insurance policy requires careful consideration of costs, benefits, restrictions, and satisfaction ratings. To help you make…

8 Warning Signs of Addiction You Should Be Aware Of

The nature of addiction is complex, but some classic warning signs indicate someone may be dealing with an addiction to a substance or activity. Whether it's your behaviors and habits you've noticed or those of someone close to you have been raising alarm bells—it's essential to know the telltale signs before addiction takes hold.  Armed…

How to save money on prescriptions and medications

Keep taking the tablets! We offer ways you can save money on your medication as prices rise Consumers are expecting a number of painful price hikes in April, including prescription fees rising by 30p for people in England – taking the total price to £9.65 per item.  In conjunction with Which?…

Stop The Spread Of Disease Among Patients By Using These Techniques

Stopping the spread of disease is essential for creating healthier and safer communities. In this blog post, we will discuss various ways to prevent the spread of infection and diseases, including prevention methods such as vaccination, handwashing, and proper waste disposal. We will also explore how different infections can be treated medically to stop them…

10 tips for Running in Winter weather

With the nights still drawing in, weather warnings in place all over the country, and parts still covered in a white blanket of fresh, fluffy powder, December is set to be tricky for fitness fanatics who keep on top of their workouts outdoors, rather than in the gym. While the gorgeous landscapes of snow-topped trees…

Many Brits lack basic health knowledge, reveals survey

  A poll of 2,000 adults has revealed many are unable to identify key metrics for looking after their health. Just 37 per cent are very confident they could name their own blood type, while only 24 per cent know what their BMI is. And only 23 per cent know what their resting heart rate…