Top Ten Dating Apps on iPhone

Ah dating, love it or hate it, it's got to be done unless you are lucky enough to be a)in a relationship b)have a great cat and don't give a damn. Anyway, it makes it all a bit easier when it's on your iPhone: saving you time, money and sparing you those awkward moments when…

Smoking hot ad of the day: Schultz jeans..

I keep getting emails about this new jeans brand. I usually shunt anything about fashion straight out of my inbox and leave that to the lovely ladies over on ShinyStyle, but this Schultz brand has a smoking hot ad campaign that despite myself I kept inadvertently clicking on. Yes, that's one up there. It's like…

Forty percent of people don't know you can listen to music legally online

Have you heard of Spotify? It seems lots of people haven't. Research by Consumer Focus announced that four in ten people can't name a single legal online music service. Of the music fans that were aware of such services, 85% could only name Amazon and iTunes. Doing the maths, that means that only a…

Onkyo release new Affordable Home Cinema Kits

Hi-fi and home cinema makers Onkyo - known for high-end audio equipment and selling the UK's most popular receivers have released a few more budget and affordable home cinema systems. [NB: What's a receiver? - a receiver takes the audio and images fed in from somewhere like Sky or a DvD player and amplifies them:…

International Women's Day: Gadgets that have Liberated Women

Because today is International Women's Day, we thought we'd look at some of the gadgets that have done their bit for women's liberation in the centuries past. A lot of these are devices that reduce domestic labour. That's not because women are hardwired to appreciate dishwashers at the expense of fancier or bigger bits of…

Shoppers get 3D TV experience in Westfield trial

Shoppers in London retail paradise Westfield will be able to watch 3D tv in a special trial running from next week. Sky will be handing out 3D glasses to shoppers and letting them watch a 3D demo tape of sports and catwalk fashion clips. The stunt is intended to boost demand for the service when…

And the Oscar for the most illegally-downloaded film goes to…

Sci-fi flick District 9 has just picked up the movie accolade no film director wants to win: the most bit-torrented Oscar nominee. Filesharing blog TorrentFreak, listed the most illegally downloaded Oscar "Best Picture" nominee films for 2010: it's one download, one vote and top of the polls was District 9. While the Hurt Locker…

Finally, someone has a Chatroulette Party

I know we seem a bit obsessed with Chatroulette on this blog - that's because we are. From the get-go this whole shebang has always looked like A Great Thing To Do With Friends. Doing Chatroulette with a friend is like when you go to a club and sit in the corner making snarky comments…

Kansas city to be renamed Google – for a month

In a weird announcement yesterday, the mayor of Topeka, a small city in Kansas USA, decided to rename his town "Google", for a month. A decision that will certainly improve the city's SEO, but sounds, in almost all other respects, ridiculous. But it's not just whimsical - the town's mayor wants Topeka, sorry Google, Kansas,…