Charlie Brown Christmas

How not to be a knob on social media at Christmas

'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, every creature was tweeting – via touchscreen or mouse... Social media has entrenched itself in Christmas as firmly as sprouts or Michael Bublè, but that doesn't mean it always comes in peace. Here are the most common festive pitfalls to avoid being the knob everyone unfollows…
Clueless print

13 Christmas gifts for 90s kids

Unless you've recently been dug up with the Blue Peter time capsule or victim of a serious malfunction involving Bernard's Watch, you'll probably have noticed that the 90s are back – and they're everywhere. As we all know Christmas and nostalgia go together like PJ and Duncan, take some inspiration for your gift list from the decade…
Serial podcast header

The 17 stages of Serial addiction

Because we're just as hooked as the rest of you... Stage 1: Sweet oblivion Have they brought out a new type of Rice Krispies or what?   Stage 2: Curiosity Ok, you're vaguely interested. You've heard people mention Cereal eight times in the last half hour and been too embarrassed to admit you've no idea…

The week in hashtags: #NotOneDime, #CameronMustGo, #PutOutYourBats, #FeelNoShame

Protests, tributes, fundraising... and a single-key hashtag keyboard. It's been a good week for everyone's favourite symbol. #NotOneDime and #BlackoutBlackFriday. When a St. Louis County grand jury decided last week not to charge police officer Darren Wilson with the killing of unarmed teenager Michael Brown, protestors across America decided to boycott the country's annual post-Thanksgiving sales mayhem…
The Women movie still

In search of the maximum mani: a DIY gel nails odyssey

  I'm pretty sure I have the world's most chippable nails. I can't be 100% sure without conducting the necessary research, but I've definitely never encountered another nail-painter whose polish disappears with such reliable speed. Most people measure a manicure's success in terms of days, but using ordinary polish I'm lucky if mine lasts a full…
Unicorn poncho

13 brilliant Secret Santa gifts for under £5 (yes, we found some)

[nextpage title="Next"] When it comes to Christmas, there is only one hunt more stressful and fraught with error than finding the perfect party outfit, and that is finding the perfect Secret Santa present. Factor in a colleague you actually like, a price limit that hasn't been adjusted for inflation and a rule against giving people 'a voucher…
Hashtag sculpture

The week in hashtags: #MyHungerGames, #AMAs, #ImageFromRochester, #MyDressMyChoice

This week, Twitter has been protesting economic and gender inequality, bad lunches and red carpet mistakes. Here's what you need to know. #MyHungerGames As everyone gears up for the release of Mockingjay: Part 1, the penultimate film in the $800 million-grossing Hunger Games franchise, US activists The Harry Potter Alliance have turned Suzanne Collins' fantasy story…

Charge! ShinyShiny reviews the Elektronista clutch bag by Knomo

I have a bag with an in-built calculator. One of my favourite ever vintage shop finds, it dates from the late 80s and comes equipped with everything a late 80s career woman might need for successful careering. As well as the calculator, it has a built-in notebook and address book, a key fob, a pocket mirror,…
Party outfits to keep you warm

12 Christmas party outfits that won’t leave you freezing

[nextpage title="Next"] The trouble with Christmas party season (aside from drunk bosses, disappointing Secret Santa presents and anything involving an Iceland canapé buffet) is that it happens in winter. Standing in queues, trekking between bars, trying to capture the perfect 'hey, I'm casually ice skating!' selfie – all have the potential to leave us frostier…