Could Evernote-linked be the next big blogging platform?

In the same way Medium is particularly appealing for those already using Twitter, is a simple blogging platform that’s specially designed to link up with Evernote.

Although is still in beta, this week the service has rolled out a premium tier for its users, which works out at $5 a month or $50 a year. This will enable Evernote lovers to have more than one site, password protect their blogs and add multiple users who can all contribute – features that really open up doors for how could be used in the future.

The site works by writing your posts directly up to Evernote where you can then label them in certain ways to determine how they’ll look on your site and when they’ll be published.

With the premium features added this week it looks like is keen to take on larger blogging platforms given it also has Disqus integration, Google Analytics features, custom domain names and social sharing built-in.

For those in need of a super simple blogging platform that’s about your content as apposed to fancy themes then look no further. Of course, it’s particularly useful for those already using Evernote 24/7 too who also want to somewhere to house their thoughts, but don’t want to put too much effort into all the old school blogging stuff – like agonising over themes, blog rolls and colour schemes.

Becca Caddy