WTF: Our lives are now complete with this cupcake ATM

It may be the stuff of dreams, but an LA-based bakery has ACTUALLY created a cupcake vending machine in real life... They may not be very fashionable anymore (we're trying to act like we care), they may be super girly and sickly pink, but wow do we love cupcakes. It could be down to the…

52Grams: Create a pretentious Instagram lookbook of your outfits

Although it's still early days for new Instagram app 52Grams, we LOVE the idea of collecting all of our style shots together in one lovely (and maybe a little pretentious) lookbook. Another day, another Instagram-related tool to make even more of your vintage snaps. The very new and rather sparse 52Grams is a new Instagram…

Apple: What do we all want to see in the new iPad?

Apple is holding an exclusive event on Wednesday at which it's expected to announce the next version of its ever popular iPad tablet (and possibly Apple TV too), but what do we all REALLY want to see in the new model? We don't like to jump to conclusions too much here at Shiny Shiny (OK,…

Pingram is (you guessed it) a Pinterest & Instagram mashup

We love Pinterest, we love Instagram, but did we REALLY need someone to mash the two together? Try to contain yourself photography and curation geeks, but someone has squashed two of your all time favourite things together. Pinterest and Instagram have been combined to create the unsurprisingly named Pingram. Now if only it gave us…

Instaprint: A location-based photo booth for Instagram lovers

A new Instagram-based concept called Instaprint has popped up on Kickstarter this week, which scouts out specific locations and hash tags, brings lots of photos together and allows you to print them out in true photo booth fashion. Instaprint merges the location-based technology of Instagram with our nostalgic love of old photos to bring you…

LifeClipper: Tech and art merge in surreal augmented reality park experience

For many augmented reality (AR) is often synonymous with marketing campaigns, location-based apps and immersive gaming experiences. However, in a park in Basel, Switzerland, a collection of artists and scientists have come together to create an AR headset that makes you feel more like you're stepping into a Dali painting than a quaint urban parkland.…

HANDS-ON: Shiny Shiny and Tech Digest fly the Parrot AR Drone 2.0

Shiny Shiny and Tech Digest went along to a rather unusual preview event in London last night and got an exclusive hands-on with the Parrot AR Drone 2.0, a crazily advanced, huge and super fast iPad/iPhone controlled helicopter. Gerald Lynch, the editor of Tech Digest, wrote up his thoughts about Parrot's latest Drone, which we…

WTF: Scientists create device to stop people talking too much

Japanese scientists have created a new device designed to silence annoying people who talk too loudly and too often in public places. I'm sure most of us have been at a coffee shop, bookstore or restaurant when someone with very little social awareness walks in and starts talking very loudly about all kinds of personal…