So long Photoshop! Sumo Paint provides identical editing software for free online!


Now Photoshop is a really useful tool if you need to edit images quickly. It far surpass Paint, as it lets you edit, adapt and delicately create masterpieces on your desktop. But its fairly tricky to use (unless you start with Elements) and then of course, there’s the licensing fee, and the fact that unless you have a dual core computer it will use vast amounts of CPU. Well I’ve just discovered the best editing programmed ever, and surprise, surprise it looks pretty much IDENTICAL to my beloved Photoshop. But it’s 100% free!


It’s called Sumo Paint, and is available online for free. Yes, no matter what computer you’re on, you can now edit images, resize, and add effects and they even have the same magic eraser and cloning tools. I realize it has been around for a while, but I’ve just discovered it, and am VERY impressed. As with all editing programs you will have to spend some time reading the manual (unless you only want it for cropping images) but you’ll find it well worth it, especially as you can use Sumo anywhere that has internet access. Now I just hope Photoshop don’t try to close it down for copyright infringement…

Get Sumo Paint for free here.

See here for more web fun.

Zara Rabinowicz

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