Web 2.0 well wishes: Steve Get Well

This is one part weird, one part inevitable and one part bandwagon-y. Steve Get Well is a website created for you to leave your well wishes for the Apple CEO. It's not created by Apple, there's no guarantee he'll ever see the site, but hey! There are badges you can grab and put on your…

Carnival Colours: almost as good as a new generation PSP

It almost makes you want to quit your day-to-day life, move to Japan, only eat chicken gyozas and buy one of these special edition, only available in Japan, PSPs, isn't it? These are the "Carnival Colours" (although clearly that blue is not remotely carnival like) and they're each $220, unless you plump for the additional…

Bandai helps women understand the men

As the old clichés go, women are hard to read, woman don't know what they want (bla bla bla) and this ultimately ends up with men relentlessly moaning about how much disdain they have for not being able to understand what we want. Such a phenomenon is this little bugbear there was even a whole…

Will the new Fizzbook from Zoostorm get your kids in a Spin?

Last year we wowed you with news of the Fizzbook, the first child friendly UMPC for kids that's pretty much unbreakable (watch this vid if you don't believe me). Well they've just released details of version 2, the snappily titled Fizzbook Spin. Sound a little familiar? Yes, well I know Asus also launchedthe pretty identical…

Why twitter is the coolest web 2.0 app on the block

Twitter sure is popular. There's been a recent spike in Twitter traffic of late, with some saying (namely Hitwise) it's over taken Digg in the popularity stakes. But does a rise in traffic mean a new bunch of devoted Twitterers? Probably and probably not. As one of the organisers of Twitterval tweeted recently - 'Only…

HTC Touch Cruise 09 is spring bound

I wonder whether the decision to change the name of HTCs latest Touch Cruise device from 'Lolita' to '09' had something to do with that sub-culture of Japanese teenagers with a passion for quirky fashion? They probably weren't too nonplussed with a phone damaging their unique style rep. In all probability, it's got nothing to…

The wonderfully superb C905 gets even superb-er with software upgrade

I'm a mahooosive fan of the Sony Ericsson 8 megapixel C905 Cyber-shot phone. Yes, it's a tad on the chunky side, but that's one design flaw I can get over thanks to its superb features and great picture taking abilities. Those most excellent features I just mentioned are getting a New Year over-haul with the…

Cradle your gadgets as they go sleepy-bye-byes. Loser.

I have no idea why you'd want one of these. I whole heartedly subscribe to the 'whatever doesn't kill your gadget makes it stronger' theory of tech ownership, and feel no pangs using my laptop as a tray, my MP3 player for a coaster and my phone for a makeshift backscratching device (bring back aerials,…

Hand gesturing USB sticks salute your saved info

I'm not one for spending money on USB drives, but I would totally change my cheapskate ways for Sirtified's Hand USB Sticks (namely the rock horns version, appropriately named Rock). If this isn't classified as making technology cool for the kids, then I don't now what is? These gesturing or rigor mortis style USB drives…

Friday Video Fun: Japan Binocular Football

This is the video that has finally convinced me that the license fee is a complete waste of cash. If the BBC were putting grown men in stripy jumpsuits, duct-taping binoculars to their faces and making them play football, I'd be happy to cough up. As it is, we get How Do You Solve a…