Google to delete users’ location history, Rabbit AI gadget tested

Google will delete everything it knows about users’ previously visited locations, the company has said, a year after it committed to reducing the amount of personal data it stores about users. The company’s “timeline” feature – previously known as Location History – will still work for those who choose to use it, letting them scroll…

Revealed: the apps that track your children

Image: Unsplash While many apps targeted towards children might seem harmless, there are many that track your children’s data, and potentially sell it on to third parties you’d rather they weren’t interacting with. A new study by Uswitch has revealed which apps and games are the most and least child friendly based on how much…

2020: Record-breaking data year, claims Virgin Media

In 2020, the nation consumed a record-breaking amount of data, tuned into more TV, and spent longer on the phone, based on analysis of more than six million Virgin Media cable and mobile customers. Customers downloaded an extra 2.8GB of data per day on average in 2020, and between them, burnt their way through 26,530…