Pirate Bay founders denied court appeal and now face jail

Back in 2009 founders of the now infamous BitTorrent search engine, The Pirate Bay, were convicted of being accessories to copyright violations and issued with hefty fines and potential prison sentences. Peter Sunde, Fredrik Neij, Carl Lundström and Gottfrid Svartholm went on to file for a Supreme Court appeal in Sweden in an attempt to…

WIN: Find all the s%!t ___ say videos in one handy place

We've seen many a meme become an online phenomenon since the birth of Shiny Shiny, but never have we seen one that's become so popular so quickly that even our parents have seen (WTF) until now. The s%!t my ___ says videos have truly taken on a life of their own over the past few…

New Vimeo: Site redesign puts the focus on video content

Popular video sharing community Vimeo announced plans for a new redesign yesterday, which will not only put more focus on the all-important video content, giving users a player that's two times the size of the original, but will also see improved navigation options and a range of new discovering and social sharing features too. Although…

NeverLikedItAnyway.com is eBay for the heartbroken

I'm sure most of us have been in a relationship that's come to an end and have had to make the painful (yet sometimes liberating) decision to throw away those old teddy bears, cards and other cutesy keepsakes. But what if you were planning on getting married and have much more big and expensive items…

Foodpairing is an interactive mind map for foodies

Clever recommendation website and quirky little mind map tool Jinni has changed the way we discover new films and TV shows, so imagine how excited we were to find there's a similar kinda service to help you pair up the right kinds of food. Foodpairing is an interactive web application specially designed to allow you…

YouTube: One hour of video uploaded every second

All of our favourite websites and communities seem to want to shout about their achievements at the moment (we're looking at you Tumblr), and with impressive statistics and lots of new ideas in the pipeline we see no problem with that at all. The latest set of "oh wow" stats comes from YouTube, as Google…

5 Alternatives to Pinterest: Juxtapost, We Heart It & Image Spark

We've said it 3,382 times over the past few weeks and we're going to say it again, content curation website Pinterest has suddenly become kind of a big deal. Everyone's pinning, collecting and re-pinning all kinds of photos and we're happy to see one of our favourite communities grow at a really rapid pace. However,…

Tumblr: More popular than ever with 15 billion+ pageviews per month

Today at the Digital Life Design conference in Munich, the founder and CEO of popular micro-blogging platform Tumblr, David Karp, revealed that the site and its many, many blogs attract more than 15 billion pageviews every month. Although that statistic is huge, it comes as no surprise given that there are (as of right now),…

Gentlemint: Do we really need a Pinterest for manly men's things?

Virtual pinboard community Pinterest has really taken off over the past few weeks. If you haven't heard of it, been sent an invite or seen 473,589,476 updates about it on Twitter, then it's a visual inspiration and curation website where you can "pin" content to virtual boards. Yes, there are similar concepts out there, but…

Angry Brides game highlights the problem of illegal dowry

We've all heard of the bright, irritating and highly addictive bird hurling game Angry Birds, but how about trying your hand at Angry Brides instead... Don't worry, you don't have to hurl worried wedding guests at shaky structures, but you can hit a range of well-dressed, rather smug-looking men with flip flops, stilettos and other…