We're officially desperate to turn our stairs into a slide

Are you bored of using the stairs, and fancy a more fun way of getting from one floor to the next in your house? Then you need to do the right thing and pledge your support for the SlideRider. The SlideRider is a fold-up, portable device which can convert any straight staircase into a slide.…

Are you a giver or a taker? Find out with your Twitter account!

Ever wondered just how selfish you really are? A new website has been launched which assesses whether you are a 'giver' or a 'taker', based on your Twitter activity. Fundraising platform, Give as you Live launched the quirky site to assess visitors' social 'giver' or 'taker' status, taking into account a number of selfishness indicators…

This bike folds down into the size of an umbrella!

Thought that your foldable bike couldn't fold any more than it already does? Well, think again, as this bike breaks down into a package the size of an umbrella! Designed by Italian designer Gianluca Sada, the Sada Bike has cool-looking spokeless wheels, which form the structure of the backpack in which it can be carried.…

You can get 'adorkable' or 'duckface' into the Collins Dictionary!

From selfie to tweep, we've seen tons of words, popularised through social media, make their way into the dictionary, over the past few years, but now Twitter users are getting the chance to decide which modern words are the next to be included. Collins English Dictionary has scoured the social media site to find emerging…

Would you want to live in a Star Trek-themed mansion?

Fancy living in a Star Trek-themed house? You can now, as there's one on the market! Marc Bell, former CEO of FriendFinder is selling his $35 million mansion, complete with an accurate recreation of the bridge in the Starship Enterprise. As well as a pool, basketball court and massive dining room, the home in Boca…

Light therapy glasses could cure seasonal affective disorder

As much as we all prefer sunny days to gloomy ones, Seasonal Affective Disorder (or SAD) affects millions of people all over the globe, leaving them feeling lethargic and down during the winter months, which can even lead to full blown depression. Although some of those who suffer from SAD are given medication, the most…

This smart cushion will tell you if you're too stressed or slouching

We've seen plenty of wearable gadgets that keep an eye on your daily activity, vital stats and even stress levels, but with Darma, a smart cushion, you only need to sit on it to find out more about your body throughout the day. The Darma cushion is only 1mm thin and detects tiny movements in…

Could Dermoscan be the first app to diagnose cancer accurately?

There are many health apps which claim to be able to save your life, so whenever a new one pops up, we're more than a little sceptical. However, a new app developed at the University of Houston, called Dermoscan, claims it has an 85% accuracy rate at investigating moles and lesions, telling users whether they…

G Watch teaser video gives us another look at LG's Android-powered smartwatch

LG has launched a new promo video for its Android Wear-powered smartwatch, the LG G Watch. A new teaser video, released today, gives us all another look at LG's Android-powered smartwatch, the LG G Watch. The camera pans around the device, giving us a glimpse from every angle and telling us some of the watch's…