Wannabe, the song that defined your tweenage years, is 18 years old today

It seems like once a week that we're surprised, shocked and slightly disturbed by the passing of time, whether it's 10 years since Friends ended or 30 years since The Breakfast Club (admittedly most of the office wasn't even born at the time of this one, so it was less shocking). Well today we've got another pop…

Guys, please stop risking your life for a Tour de France selfie

If mainstream media is to be believed, selfies are single-handedly turning us all into narcissist zombies, melting away our brains and stirring up trouble in the Middle East. And what has the evil selfie done this week? Well, it looks like it could be putting the lives of some people in serious danger as they…

US airport security will throw your phone away if it’s not charged up

If you're planning on travelling to the US for your holidays this summer, then be warned, because airport security is about to get even more hot and heavy than usual. According to reports today, airport officials are likely to fondle your tech more than ever before, could even ask you to switch it all on and...…

Meet FiDELYS, a smartwatch with iris recognition to keep your stuff safe

It seems like everyone from Apple to our grans are developing smartwatches at the moment, so whether you're a tech giant or a startup, your wearable needs to either bring something to the table that no one else has or do it better than anything else already on the market. FiDELYS is a pretty decent-looking…

Artifact Uprising has created the most beautiful Instagram photo books we’ve ever seen

Ever since Instagram first took over our lives with its retro filters and twee little frames companies have been dreaming up ways to turn our snaps into magnets, cushions and even marshmallows! However, the only Instagram-themed merchandise we'd ever REALLY need would be traditional photo albums, for gifts or just coffee table decorations. There are…

Doctors can now use 3D printed human organs for life-saving transplants

We've heard of 3D printed skulls and hips, but now doctors can successfully create human organs using a 3D printer with a new technique that could save the lives of people all over the globe who aren't lucky enough to find an organ donor in time. Although 3D printing has been used for many other…

TAKE OUR QUIZ – Which fitness tracker should you buy?

Here at shinyshiny we're dedicated to bringing you news, reviews and tips about the coolest tech, lifestyle products and must-have apps on the market. But no matter how clued up you are, sometimes figuring out which gadget, product or service is right for you can still be confusing -  especially when there's so much to choose…