Turn your pillow into a test card

Remember that test card, you know, the one with the slightly bemused girl, noughts and crosses encrusted chalk board and the very sinister clown, which incidentally had no arms (what's that about?). Can I just say - did anyone else find it creepy to see a little girl on their TV screen, playing games with…

GE unleashes a slew of digital cameras

GE isn't one of those camera brands that is as distinguished and well known as some of its popular megapixel toting pals, but it's been trying to put itself on the map by producing a range of quality compacts, that not only boast a heap of great specs, but at seriously affordable prices too. Well,…

It's a Wrappz: funky skins for your laptop

Is your laptop cover losing that brand new edge and new laptop smell? Is that shiny/glossy/metallic cover that once adorned your laptop cover with pride, now subjected to knocks, scratches, or perhaps the occasional plummet to the floor, as your duty to protect it from harm gets less important, the older it gets? Is it…

The Wii Nunchuck goes wireless

Wired peripherals do tend to fall on the rather annoying side of things, don't they? Throw tangled wirage, perhaps the odd wire-related buckle and unattractive wire-ymess into the equation and wired gadgets/peripherals/whatever are right up there with cash points with £20s instead of £10s, people talking loudly on their mobiles on public transport or standing…

Net TV will render the internet futile

Well it will for internet TV anyway (and no, this probably won't involve porn). A plan to bring iPlayer-esque services to goggle boxes means the middle man, which in this case refers to the internetz, will no longer be needed. The BBC-backed proposals to produce online set-top boxes are currently under scrutiny from the BBC…

Is Sony planning a PSP phone?

The Playstation rumours are doing the rounds again - only this time the buzz isn't surrounding the latest iteration of Playstation handhelds, this rumour is more concerned with a piece of mobile phone equipment. The man in charge, Playstation boss Kas Hirai, has been instructed to situate the Playstation Network (PSN) into a bundle of…

Get touch feely with the Rubik's TouchCube

It seems the youth of today just aren't impressed with anything that doesn't flash, light up, come with sound effects etc - poor Twister, it must be covered in cobwebs in the back of a warehouse somewhere. So here's the Rubik's Cube, with ANOTHER modern day makeover, instead this one is electronically light based. Being…

Asus to launch super-thin 'Shell' Eee PC

The Asus S101 is a rather deliciously luxurious piece of kit, isn't it? Well, word on the web is that Asus is prepping another computing beaut, and much like its fine fine sibling, will probably have us dribbling at the mouth too. At the moment all we can provide is this rather interesting picture of…

Twitter Wit: preserving Twitter in print format

Twitter-mania persists and presses on with the announcement of Twitter Wit - a book collecting the world's wittiest, funniest and most insightful tweets to date. Yep, that's right hundreds, quite possibly thousands, of your tweets are going to be sent to the printer to form a collection of the best of the uber popular micro…

Philips goes for chunky with its handheld camcorder

Is it a retro music player? Is it a mobile brick from the 90s? No, it's Philips' new CIC471 4BB/27 camcorder (catchy). It's certainly no Flip Mino, or Creative Vado (which are now both available in HD) for that matter, but it is still a camcorder nonetheless... just not a very good one. Rather than…