Top 50 Women in European tech revealed by EQL:HER

EQL:HER, the global network committed to securing an equal future for women in STEM, has revealed its ‘InspiringFifty’ list of the 50 most influential women in European tech.
With Google and PwC among its supporters, the InspiringFifty initiative aims to champion diverse women in tech to encourage women from all walks of life to follow in their footsteps.
Recent data has highlighted that as of March 2022 women still only make up 19% of the European tech workforce. EQL:HER is on a mission to change this by providing role models that reflect the rich diversity of society, and so inspiring the next generation of women leaders in tech.
With a judging panel including Jacqueline de Rojas CBE – President of techUK, and Janet Coyle – Managing Director of Business Growth at London & Partners, InspiringFifty attracted nearly 600 nominees from across Europe.
Those to make it into the InspiringFifty include:
Abadesi Osunsade, Founder & CEO of Hustle Crew
Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon MBE, Founder of Stemettes
Dr Gioia Rau, Research Scientist at NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre
Baroness Joanna Shields OBE, CEO of BenevolentAI
Nicola Mendelsohn, VP of Global Business Group at Meta
Sonali De Rycker, Partner at Accel.
Says Elka Goldstein, CEO, EQL:HER:
“We are delighted to announce our InspiringFifty winners today and give some of the incredible women in our ecosystem the credit they deserve. Our judges had no easy task whittling down our final InspiringFifty and I hope that highlighting these women’s achievements will inspire budding young leaders from all walks of life to know they can – and will – reach their goals even when the odds don’t seem in their favour.”
Adds Jacqueline de Rojas CBE, President of techUK:
“Role models and representation are integral to ensuring that diverse talent can see itself reflected in the organisations that are seeking to recruit them However, it is one thing to argue that companies offer equal opportunities and demonstrate diversity, but it is quite another for colleagues to feel like they belong.
“It is the smallest steps that will lead to change. I know first-hand how important it is to be supported and have a network and I am proud of the work InspiringFifty is doing to elevate the voices of those around us and for creating space for this conversation during London Tech Week.”
InspiringFifty is powered by EQL:HER, Founders Forum and London Tech Week and supported by The Financial Times, Google, PwC and the Young Presidents Organisation. Along with Jacquiline de Rojas CBE and Janet Coyle, InspiringFifty was judged by Elke Jeurissen, Marion Debruyne, Vittorio Colao, Gilian Tans, Constantijn van Orange and Carolyn Dawson and the final list can be found here.
EQL:HER will be back for its eighth year on Monday 13th June as part of London Tech Week – more information can be found here.