Snickers voted Top British Chocolate Bar

Snickers has topped a list of the nation’s favourite chocolate bars, beating the classic Cadbury Dairy Milk into second place by a narrow margin.
The study also found a Galaxy bar is the nation’s third favourite chocolate bar, which was controversially followed by Bounty beating KitKat for fourth place. And sneaking into the top 10 were classics Twix, Twirl and Wispa, followed by Mars Bar and Flake.
A study of 2,000 adults also found the average person will indulge themselves with 3,024 mugs of hot cocoa, 126 Easter eggs and feast on 2,898 miniature chocolates over the course of their life.Jo Pullin, Dechox campaign manager at the British Heart Foundation (BHF), which commissioned the study, said:
“We know that chocolate isn’t an essential part of a healthy diet but is a much-loved indulgence in the UK.“Whether it’s in cakes, biscuits, a tasty dessert or a chocolate bar, there are so many options available it’s easy to lose track of how much chocolate we’re consuming.”
The study also found the average UK adult will enjoy 6,048 Bounty, Snickers, Milky Ways and KitKats over their lifetime.
Around 9,072 Double Deckers, Mars Bars, Twix, KitKat Chunky’s, Yorkies and Boost bars will also be consumed alongside 6,804 Cadbury Dairy Milks, Twirls, Kinder Buenos and Lion Bars.
It also emerged more than two-fifths of Brits confess to being chocoholics, and 45 per cent would really struggle to try and give up the treat.
As many as two-fifths agreed chocolate is their favourite food, and an equal percentage (40 per cent) confessed they couldn’t live without it.
Of the 21 per cent who HAVE attempted to scrap the sweet stuff, they have managed to last an average of 20 days before caving to cravings.
The research, conducted via OnePoll, found 57 per cent struggle to give up things which are bad for them – where chocolate is a frequent culprit.
The figures have been released ahead of the BHF’s Dechox campaign – the charity’s annual challenge to get the nation to give up chocolate for the month of March to raise funds for the BHF’s life saving research into heart and circulatory diseases.
Jo Pullin of BHF added: “We know we’re a nation of chocolate lovers and that’s why we’re calling on the nation to put their will power to the test this March for a fantastic cause.
“Dechox is a great way to help curb your chocolate cravings and fund the British Heart Foundation’s vital research into heart and circulatory conditions, which affects around seven million people in the UK.”
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Britain’s top 30 favourite chocolate bars:
1. Snickers
2. Cadbury Dairy Milk
3. Galaxy Bar
4. Bounty
5. Kit Kat
6. Twix
7. Twirl
8. Wispa
9. Mars Bar
10. Flake
11. Crunchie
12. Aero Mint
13. Kit Kat Chunky
14. Toblerone
15. Double Decker
16. Cadbury’s Fruit and Nut
17. Milkybar
18. Bourneville
19. Lindor
20. Fry’s Turkish Delight
21. Daim
22. Cadbury Caramel
23. Galaxy Ripple
24. Cadbury Fudge
25. Picnic
26. Starbar
27. Galaxy Caramel
28. Milky Way
29. Aero
30. Yorkie
Breakdown of Brits’ lifetime consumption of chocolate:
51g bar of milk chocolate: 3,780
51g bar of dark chocolate: 2,268
51g bar of white chocolate: 1,512
Easter eggs: 126
Slices of cake containing chocolate: 2,268
Mugs of hot cocoa: 3,024
Biscuits/cookies containing chocolate: 8,316
Miniature chocolates (such as Celebrations or Heroes): 2,898
Bounty: 1,512
Snickers: 1,512
Milky Way: 1,512
Double Decker: 1,512
Mars Bar: 1,512
Kit Kat: 1,512
Twix: 1,512
Kit Kat Chunky: 1,512
Lion Bar: 1,512
Yorkie: 1,512
Boost: 1,512
Kinder Bueno: 1,512
Cadbury’s Dairy Milk: 2,268
Twirl: 1,512