Could the much-rumoured iPad Pro run iOS and OS X?

Merging mobile and desktop operating systems isn't that new of a concept, Microsoft's Windows RT attempted to use Windows 8 as a mobile system and Windows 10 is designed to be one platform for everything. If rumours at to be believed, the rumoured iPad Pro might be the first step Apple takes towards a similar…

Let’s be thankful the iPhone didn’t turn out like this

The iPhone was the turning point for the mobile world and arguably helped to kick of the smartphone trend that continues to this day. That probably wouldn't have been the case if this monstrosity had been revealed to the public instead. According to The Next Web, this phone is what Apple engineers used to test…
Hashtag sculpture

The week in hashtags: #EidMubarak, #Stoptober, #CassetteBoy

#EidMubarak Muslims across the world have been celebrating Eid al-Adha, also known as the Feast of the Sacrifice. Also marking the end of religious pilgrimage Hajj, this year more than 2 million people made the journey to the Grand Mosque in Mecca.   #MeanGirlsAppreciationDay Because if there's one thing the internet was really lacking in,…

Hoorah! “Unexpected item in bagging area” is on the way out

If you've ever used self-service checkout tills in a UK supermarket, then you'll know the frustration which arises from a chorus of mistimed declarations of 'unexpected item in bagging area' from multiple machines. It's a similar feeling you get from that seagull scene in Finding Nemo, or being forced to listen to We're Taking the…

Should you buy a laptop or a tablet?

[nextpage title="Next"] When you're looking for a new portable computer these days you have to ask yourself a very serious question, should you buy a laptop or should you buy a tablet? Both have their respective advantages and disadvantages, and while neither is really a bad choice in a general sense you need to be able…

Welcome to #InspiringWomenWeek

Over the next week, the shinyshiny team will be writing about the women we find inspiring. These are normal women who have made household names for themselves, iconic characters who have motivated the masses and  intelligent minds that have made ground-breaking changes to their respective industries. From the most memorable female novelists of the past…

Husband and wife team wins Nobel Prize in medicine

A Norwegian couple have been awarded this year's Nobel Prize in medicine, to be shared with American-British neuroscientist John O'Keefe. Announced today at the Nobel Assembly at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, May-Britt and Edvard Moser were recognised 'for their discoveries of cells that constitute a positioning system in the brain'. According to The Local, The Nobel institution commented after…