Are we already sick of shopping on our mobiles?

moble-phone-woman.jpegMore and more brands are making it super easy to buy their products from mobile devices and pumping money into ecommerce. However, new research would suggest that we’re already a bit sick of the endless cycle of getting stuff on the move, purchasing the wrong size or type or colour and having to mess around sending things back afterwards.

A new study, commissioned by shopping inspiration app Udozi, has found that although we’re all really keen to browse through products with our mobile devices we actually still like to go into real life offline shops and try things before we commit to buying them.

According to the research, more than 41% of shoppers would prefer to buy products offline and 26% of mobile owners and 35% of tablet owners have got into the habit of browsing online before going in stores to make their final purchases.

Alan Gabbay, Founder of Udozi, commented:

“In today’s digital age, constantly connected consumers have come to expect access to their favourite brands and retailers when on the move. But even though a large chunk of online Brits now own Internet enabled devices that they can make purchases from, mobile and online alone simply can’t compensate for the in-store shopping experience, as the majority of people still want to ‘try before they buy’ and speak to experts in-store.”

Here at Shiny Media HQ we can certainly buy into the fact that browsing while you’re on the move then checking you actually still want to buy the product in real life is how we prefer to shop, but guess it’s also dependent on what you’re buying. A cheap pair of gloves while you’re waiting for the bus? Yes please. A designer bag or holiday? Probably not.

The research was commissioned by Udozi and 2,105 adults were polled in conjunction with YouGov.

[Image via Mike Licht,’s Flickr]
Becca Caddy