Shiny Poll: Are online courses as good as the real thing?

An opinion piece in the New York Times suggests that online uni courses just aren't as good as the real thing. In this age of soaring tuition fees, getting your tutoring for cheap over your wifi connection seems a sensible option to be considering, saving you thousands of pounds each year. Have you tried one?… offers, yes, LOVE – plus some personalised dating tips

Been leaving the search for true love a little late again this year? Well, maybe this handy little website will help you. Yes, it is a new dating website. YES IT IS. Optimistically named (I suppose wouldn't have the same positive associations) it promises to help you find love, soon. Launching on V-day,…

Nintendo 3DS will launch March 25 with games from virtual pet care to beat'em ups

Nintendo promise a game to please everybody on the launch of their new 3D gaming console - the Nintendo 3DS - on March 25th. There'll be 13 full 3D games on offer from the start including Nintendogs and Streetfighter, from Ubisoft. Full list of the games: Pilotwings resort Nintendogs (x3 editions) Super Streetfighter Pro Evolution…

How Brits are taking their technology to bed

It seems us Brits really are happiest getting into bed with a Blackberry or choosing to snuggle up with a smartphone. Perhaps heartening news coming up to Valentines Day - forget the boyfriend/girfriend, just buy an iPad. That's what we all want deep down. Anyway according to some research by > 62% of us…

Why is there no British Huffington Post?

With founders Arianna Huffington and Jim Lehrer pocketing $315m between them, after the buyout from AOL last night, people are suddenly interested again in the possibility of making money from blogs. The liberal political Huffington Post with its emphasis on aggregated news, comment and celebrity bloggers has established itself very quickly since its foundation in…

BBC iPlayer hits the iPad Thursday

According to a tweet picked up by TNW, BBC iPlayer will finally get an iPad edition on Thursday. This will bring really lush premium content to a lovely screen. Of course, it's a minority of Brits that have iPads but we're likely to see a spike in adoption when the new one comes out at…

HuffPo joins Engadget and TechCrunch: Bought out by new blogmasters AOL

AOL shelled out $315 million for the web start-up yesterday and it means they now control the biggest voices in online journalism - Techcrunch and Engadget which dominate tech world and now liberal online paper the Huffington Post. It makes AOL one of the biggest content providers on the web - not only has it…