iPhone 4 cases get a stylish London makeover from Ted Baker

Oo, more pretty iPhone 4 cases. This time from stylish London designer Ted Baker who brings some flash patterns and textured leather to the iPhone 4 case arena. All available for either £29.99 or £34.99 from proporta.com We just copied the images in below. I'm especially digging on the patterned hardback cases - cute...

The UK Facebook that could have been – 14 years before Zuckerberg

No, we're not talking about MySpace or My_____ as we should refer to it these days. We're talking about Monochrome, a social network born in 90s Britain which helped people keep in touch with each other online. Inspired by film The Social Network I started having a chat with @absinthecity about pre-Facebook facebooks and she…

Windows 7 for iPhone! – get a Windows 7 theme on your iPhone

Well, we're not saying it works or is a good idea, or that its even in English (it's in Polish) but you can now download the distinctive Windows 7 tile interface for your iPhone. Your jailbroken iPhone that is. iPhone themes only work on jailbroken handsets, but it might be worth jailbreaking the darn thing…

Get some Augmented Reality with your Breakfast Cereal

We know Augmented Reality is popular right now, but we can now officially say it has gone mainstream with the arrival of AR in breakfast cereals. Nestle have launched a thing with their Chocopic range of cereals in France where 3D glasses you cut out of your cereal packet will let you open up and…

VIDEO DEMO: World's first Augmented Reality Spectacles: Vuzix WRAP 920 AR

We had a European first in the office today with this demo of Vuzix's Augmented Reality spectacles. Combining augmented reality with 3D images they let you see three dimensional characters pop out of objects in the real world. So looking through the glasses, dragons pop out of pages, volcanos erupt on a book in front…

Yahoo's new Mail service: speedier and with Facebook

The 10 million plus people in the UK who use Yahoo Mail can expect a revamp in the next few days as a beta version of the new and redesigned Mail is rolled out. The stand-out feature is the speed - they promise it is twice as fast. The new Yahoo is also designed to…