Windows Kin will be in UK from September on Vodafone

Both Microsoft and Vodafone are being cagey about prices and dates for the release of the new Kin phone, but we heard from the Vodafone rep that it will be available in the UK in Autumn (we reckon that means start of quarter 3 - September). As for the price brackets, the Vodafone rep would…

The Kin One and Two – what the difference is

Microsoft's social phone comes in two sizes: bubble shaped slider the Kin One and higher specced landscape rectangle slider the Kin Two. Apart from the different shapes, more compact keyboard and smaller screen on the Kin One, the difference between the two phones comes only in the camera resolution and the storage. The Kin One…

The thinking behind the Microsoft Kin: what social-networkers want in a phone

Deciding to target a young networking-crazy audience, Microsoft told us they built their phone based on thousands of interviews with customers - young cute people with sunglasses judging by the videos they showed. These are the findings that determined the architecture of their new Kin phone. Three things they found out about the "Social Generation":…

Kin the sociable Windows phone: built for "Generation Upload"

Microsoft's big new phone is called the Kin and is built for the "social generation". Social networks are the cornerstone for this new phone based on Windows 7. Kin takes Windows Phone 7 and customises it. "Windows Mobile is the best multi-purpose phone for wide variety of people", said Microsoft spokesman Robbie Buck. But with…

Shiny Shiny reviews the iPad reviews

Yeah, you read it right. I've seen more iPad reviews over the past couple of weeks than I've had hot meals. Some good, some great, some pretty loathsomely awful. So I thought I'd round-up the reviews and give each review a review. Why? Becuase who said you can't review reviews. Someone probably has. But not…

Whiteberry? Blackberry Bold 9700 comes out in white

Blackberry conoisseurs will undoubtedly appreciate this reiteration of a classic. The BlackBerry Bold 9700 has just been issued in an ice white, adding a stylish twist to the premium phone. The Bold 9700 is BlackBerry's top handset. Blackberries have previously been issued in grey and pink, we think white is a classier colour format. They…

Why the US Navy is on Second Life, and other ways business are using avatars

Though wandering around a virtual world as an avatar sounds like the sort of thing you only do if you're a geek playing some time-killing game or looking for cyber-sex, - business and yes, the US navy, are starting to see new potential in avatars. They want to start using them for training sessions, simulation…

Google Earth helps discover new humanoid ancestor

Satellite Mapping tool Google Earth has helped discover one of the human races earliest ancestors. No, he wasn't caught lounging around in some undiscovered rainforest by a Google Spy Camera, but Google Earth did point some archaeologists towards a cave where his remains where hidden. That little skull on the right was discovered in South…

Weather Stylist – site picks outfits based on your weather forecast

If a website that recommends you outfit combos based on the weather in your area sounds a bit gimmicky - don't be put off, this is fun. Weather Stylist, a website and now an iPhone app, asks you to input your city then finds you a selection of different outfits that match what the weather…