Why we pretend our computers are our friends

Okay, I don't exactly think my computer is a friend, but sometimes, I do treat it like a person. I say "come on, come on" when it's going slow, I give it rest when I think it's getting "tired" and sometimes I give it a case massage and.. only kidding. I only mention this because…

Shoutem: what you need to know about the DIY mobile social network creator

Want to a make mobile social network for you and your friends? Okay you don't have plans to rival Facebook or even Foursquare, but you do want to make a group for you and your friends so you can communicate in a group through your phones without having to send mass texts. Described by some…

Foursquare gets a boost from Vodafone tie-in

Location-based game Foursquare got a boost yesterday when Vodafone announced they would be including the app prominently in their store front. The service will be placed 'on-deck', according to TechCrunch Europe, meaning that the mobile carrier is giving Foursquare a push through its own portal/app store - Vodafone MyWeb, available on phones carried by Vodafone.…

Kansas city to be renamed Google – for a month

In a weird announcement yesterday, the mayor of Topeka, a small city in Kansas USA, decided to rename his town "Google", for a month. A decision that will certainly improve the city's SEO, but sounds, in almost all other respects, ridiculous. But it's not just whimsical - the town's mayor wants Topeka, sorry Google, Kansas,…

Childline uses smilies to get kids talking about their feelings

We wrote a couple of days ago about a mood app that plots feelings on maps (Glow by Heckcopter) and this web game from Childline is a very similar thing. Except that it doesn't just record your mood out of general interest - it tries to change or improve it. Aimed at kids, the "how…

Railroad Perfume – should this be the scent of entrepreneurs?

I have a soft spot for descriptions of perfume so when one popped up promising a scent of the railroad I was intrigued. Surely they didn't mean the rain and bin scents that linger around my local station? No, of course they didn't - they meant the the summer breezes in the praire and meadows…

Layar is back on iPhone! Augmented reality now works on the 3Gs

Layar - the app that brings augmented reality to smartphones has made it back onto the iPhone and is in the app store from now. The latest version of Layar - 3.0 (with support for 3D models) was released on 5th December but had to be withdrawn from the Apple app store due to crashes…

Pimp your bike Japanese style: the dekatora bicycle

A Londoner with a bike, some precision-cut aluminum sheeting and a hell of a creative vision has create the ultimate pimped-out bicycle. Made from the afore-mentioned aluminium sheeting bolted on to a steel frame, Charlie Hope's bicycle features lights, music and the bike bit still works too. Apparently it's inspired by Japan's dekotora art truck…

Coffee just got Really Damn Big: the 32oz Starbucks Trenta

We are a tech blog and do, usually, write about about tech. Sometimes however, we like to write about coffee. Today is one of those days. How could we not cover the news that Starbucks have invented a new size of coffee? A size even bigger than their current big sizes, at no less than…

Siri – the Virtual Assistant in an App that we want in the UK

Okay we admit we haven't tried this app out yet - it's not out in the UK - but we're dying for it to come over after reading the drool-inducing reviews from the US. Did you ever want an app to turn your iPhone/Blackberry into a helpful information-fetching servant? I know it already is one,…