Organize your workspace with the computer 'corner frame'

Does your office have highlighter thieves? Hands up if you've ever nabbed your neighbours post it notes or worse- used their precious mug, y'know the one with their initials on it. Feeling guilty yet? Well the corner frame won't save you from mug related showdowns, but it will mean you always have a pen/post it…

Toshiba Satellite range gives us four new lappies to play with

What kind of laptop user are you? A commuter, casual user, or hardcore gamer? The way you use it will clearly influence what device you purchase, but Toshiba are trying to cater to every need by releasing 4 models simultaneously in their Satellite range. (more…)

Prettify your workspace with these uber cute mousemats

Mouse mats are one of those items you don't tend to give much thought to. Generally you either use the rubbish Windows one that came free with your computer, or a novelty football one that you got as a joke Christmas/Secret Santa present. Well I've just discovered some rather adorable designs from My favourite Mirror.…

iPhone 3G S announced : Available UK-wide on June 19th!

We've been waiting ever so long for the iPhone to get of its sleek concave arse and actually do something about its hardware, and last night at WWDC, the world learned of just what had been going on in the Apple hive mind for the last couple of months. We got news of new Macbooks…

Four great FREE Photoshop style programmes

Now Photoshop has long since been the favourite programme for those who like to try their hand at image editing, but credit crunch times means you can't always justify forking out £70 odd quid just to remove red-eye. Sure, if your job revolves around editing images you're going to want to buy this (plus Quark/…

Shiny Headphone review: Sennheiser PMX 80 Sport II

Way back in March I told you all about 5 new sporty models from Sennhesier and I've been dutifully putting the PMX 80 Sport 11 through its paces to see if it can stand up to the rough and ready confines of my gym bag plus the large amount of acidic sweat that's an inevitable…

Metal Detecting Sandals for beachy hi-jinx

Whilst these shoes are no Havianas they doe serve an Indiana Jones-esque purpose of allowing you to discover buried trash dirty cans treasure as you pad along the beach. Cleverly hidden in the right sandal is a copper coil, which attaches to a battery pack strapped to your right leg. The ring creates a magnetic…

Shiny Preview: Samsung i8910 HD phone

You also get a rather sweet looking 3.7 inch AMOLED screen, but they key feature is naturally the fact that it records video at Video 24fps@HD(1280 x 720p). Dan had a brief play with it below- watch to see what he thought (and doesn't he look cute in his glasses?) | Get it now for…

Win a digitized print of yourself from Phokki!

Photos are great aren't they? They let you capture the moment, share experiences, and always make one smile. But how about letting your photos become something more than blurry snaps taken when you're drunk? Phokki is a digital image specialist that personalizes your prints into fabulous pieces of art you can proudly hang from your…

The Top Ten Terrible games revealed at E3: Save your pennies for Halo Reach

E3 excitement has most gamers rubbing their hands in a frenzy of anticipation and trying to wonder what they can pawn/steal to afford some of the releases soon heading to our shores. Burt amongst the many, many great game son offer, are some whose quality is slightly more questionable. Here's our round up of the…