Win a free download of Surgeon Simulator for iPhone or iPad

Last week, we attended the slightly gory launch of Surgeon Simulator for iPhone. Bossa Studios have kindly given us 10 codes for a free iPhone or iPad download to give away, and we're giving them to you over on Twitter. To enter, all you have to do is follow @ShinyShiny and retweet the competition tweet.…

20 things that happen when you start reviewing phones for a living

For the last few months, I've been writing ShinyShiny's phone reviews. It's a dream job, but changes your life in some weird and unpredictable ways. You get a Facebook message and a polyphonic orchestra of notification noises from multiple phones scares the living daylights out of you It was just my mum…

Who knew? Bats troll each other, too

The internet may have lead you to think that humans are the only species that try to wind others up and selfishly ruin someone else’s day, but you’d be wrong. As Smithsonian reports, Mexican free-tailed bats are the animal equivalent of every overly aggressive ALL CAPS Twitter user you’ve ever blocked. Researchers from Wake Forest…

The Cocoon security system can protect your home with just one device

Cocoon is a new smart home security system that uses one device (around the size of a tennis ball) to protect your whole house. (What did we tell you? Smart.) It only launched a week ago and has already hit its Indiegogo fundraising goal of $100,000 (around £62,000). It works using patented SUBSOUND™ technology to…

Researchers have created ‘ghosts’ in a lab

They probably should have revealed this in time for Halloween, but Swiss scientists have found a way to create the experience of feeling a ghost-like presence. Researchers from Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne asked study participants to perform a series of movements with their hands, while a robot was behind them, copying what they did…

Scientists’ fake robot chick fools real emperor penguins

Scientists in Antarctica are trying to study Emperor penguins to better understand their behaviour and monitor their health, but whenever they try to get close, the animals panic and scatter. So a team of international scientists and creative types worked to turn a remote-controlled rover into a penguin chick that would be lifelike enough for…

Shakespeare’s Globe launches new VOD service, Globe Player

Picture the scene: -But soft! What light through yonder breaks? -Oh yeah, that’s my laptop – I’ve been binge-watching the Bard all night. An unlikely scenario? Not if the brains behind Shakespeare’s Globe theatre have anything to do with it. They’ve just launched a dedicated video-on-demand platform, the first theatre in the world to do…

Project EGG is the biggest collaborative 3D printed structure ever made

You can do a lot of things with 3D printing: play with chocolate, make new organs, and now... create the largest collectively-made 3D printed project in the world, a pavilion in the shape of an egg (kind of). What a world. As Treehugger reports, Dutch designer Michiel van der Kley came up with the idea…

Experts predict time travel, invisibility & teleportation to be reality by year 2100

A group of experts has agreed that time travel, invisibility and teleportation could all become realities within the lifetimes of today's school children. According to the Telegraph, professors from Imperial College London and the University of Glasgow have agreed that by the year 2080, teleportation could be fairly commonplace, with time travel expected 20 years…