4 Easy ways to control your privacy on Facebook

Sure Facebook has put plenty of guides and easy steps in place to demystify privacy, but we’ve collected together four easy tips to give you a bit more control. We find that most people we talk to want to control what people can see a bit more, organise groups and share things with particular people, but they often can’t be bothered to take the first step, well now you’ve got no excuse.

10 Essential apps for travel and holidays: Airbnb, Localeur, Yelp

Going on holiday or away for extended travel is stressful enough at the best of times, so we’ve collected together our top apps for booking flights, finding accommodation on the move and figuring out the best places to eat wherever you are on the planet.

10 Apps to make you more productive: Evernote, Feedly, IFTTT

Whether you’re keen to find a new to-do list app, up your note-taking game or discover a new way to incorporate workouts into your busy routine, we’ve got you covered with our rundown of apps to make you more productive (and more awesome).

Is Facebook Messenger set to become fully standalone app?

Is the Facebook Messenger app set to become a fully standalone messaging app like Skype. Looks that way with the announcement yesterday that some users will be able to sign up with a phone number instead of having to be a Facebook user.

5 Alternatives to Snapchat: Qik, Slingshot, Yovo

If something about the little ghost really gets on your nerves, or you’re not keen on the people you’ve been following and want a fresh start, then it might be time to try some of the instant messaging app alternatives that are hot on the heels of Snapchat. We’ve collected together five that are worth trying.