The new Little Black Classics books site was inspired by the iPod Classic.

Penguin’s new Little Black Classics site was inspired by the iPod Classic

Penguin Books is launching a new series of books to celebrate its 80th birthday this year. Called Little Black Classics, they'll be available in paperback and on Kindle from 26 February for 80p each. In the meantime, the Little Black Classics site is a great way to find out more about the books in question.…

Our top 3 budget smart watches for under £120: Cogito Pop, Withings, Pebble

[nextpage] The biggest tech brands on the planet may all be competing to design the best smartwatch, the smartwatch to rule them all. But with the new Apple Watch rumoured to set us back well over £220, I've collected together five of my favourite smart watches with much more wallet-friendly price tags. Granted many are not nearly…

Art+Feminism announces its second Wikipedia Edit-a-thon

Yesterday, Art+Feminism announced that its second announced its second annual Wikipedia Edit-a-thon will take place at New York's Museum of Modern Art on 27th March from 4pm to 10pm GMT. The event is designed to generate coverage of women and the arts on Wikipedia, as well as encouraging female editorship of Wikipedia's content. A survey in…
A restaurant is 'editing' its sound in real time.

A U.S restaurant’s editing its sound to make meals less noisy

We’ve all been there: you’re trying to enjoy an intimate meal for two, but the birthday party on the next table is shouting at each other so loudly you can’t hear yourself think, let alone know what the person you’re dining with is talking about. Or you’re having a breakfast meeting, but it's hard to…

Apple Watch gets its first US magazine cover debut with Candice Swanepoel

The Apple Watch is rumoured to launch to the US and UK markets within the next few months, so it's no surprise that the highly-anticipated wearable is starting to do the media rounds. It'll be fascinating to see where the Apple PR team places the gadget and which kinds of audiences they try and align…

Jawbone Up3 release date delayed amidst financial rumours

When Jawbone lifted the lid on its next generation fitness tracker back in November 2014, the Jawbone Up 3, many wearable fans were excited that the new device could well be one of the most advanced - not to mention good-looking - gadgets we've seen to date. Fast-forward to February 2015 and it looks like the wearable tech pioneers…

Apple has ordered 5 million Apple Watches ready for launch

As we get closer to the launch of the Apple Watch, it becomes more apparent that Apple is really gearing up for the final push that will put it into Apple Stores across the world. From the sounds of things it's going to be a big push, because Apple has apparently ordered between five and six million…

How to go online shopping in the real world

There’s been plenty of debate about whether on-or-offline retail offers the ‘best’ way to get your shopping done. But there’s a third option most people don’t think about – shopping online while you’re in stores, to get the best of both worlds. I took the Vodafone Smart Tab 4G to Oxford Street to try it…

12 rugged cases to protect your iPhone 6 from life

[nextpage title="Next"] After BendGate, we're pretty sure you'll want to be protecting your iPhone 6 from as much as possible. Our advice would be just to not sit on it, or any other smartphone for that matter, but there are obviously still the dangers of water, accidental drops and dust to the safety of your…