Scientists have found the part of our brains that makes us expect the worst

Good news for real-life grumpy cats: if you find yourself expecting the worst and struggle to get motivated, the problem isn't your personality. You probably just have a hyperactive habenula. British scientists now believe that this small (half the size of a pea) part of the brain is responsible for our negative predications and worse-case-scenario…

Mobile rumours: HTC One W8 renders, Android Silver, and more Android for Nokia

The world of mobile news is scary and complicated, with rumours flying about all over the place about what the many different companies are planning on doing. If you don’t know what you’re looking for then chances are you won’t get very far, so to ease your burden here are some of today’s biggest mobile…

Don’t need much sleep? You may be a mutant

We’ve often thought that people who somehow manage to stay calm, focused and seemingly cheerful on just a few hours’ sleep were mutants – and now we have scientific proof. An international group of researchers studied 100 pairs of twins recruited by the University of Pennsylvania and found that one of them had a gene…

Monarch’s new MPlayer brings in-flight entertainment to your device

Today, Monarch Airlines launched its new in-flight entertainment system, MPlayer. Clearly realising that passengers don’t want to be staring at a tiny screen on the back of the seat in front of them but instead want to be staring at a tiny screen in their hands, the MPlayer comes as an app that needs to…

Ask Zappos is giving you a personal shopper for all your online shopping needs

Do you sometimes feel that your online shopping experience is lacking a personal shopper to help you find exactly what you’re looking for? Well, it looks like that could be a thing of the past, as online retailer Zappos has unveiled a new service that aims to help shoppers find specific products by taking item…

Scientists can now make organs see-through

Scientists have succeeded in making bodies see through for the first time. And it does NOT look good. (If you have even the slightest suspicion that you might not want to see a photo of a transparent mouse, follow that instinct. Trust me.) But freakish as it may seem, turning organs clear is a huge…