You could get free Marc Jacobs Daisy perfume just for tweeting this weekend

If you’re in London this weekend, be sure to head to Covent Garden, as you could bag yourself a Marc Jacobs perfume, just for tweeting! On 15th August, the luxury fashion house will be opening a money-free pop-up store in Covent Garden, where social media will be the only currency accepted. Tweets with the hashtag…

This amazing new 3D sketching system could revolutionise design

Today, at the SIGGRAPH 2014 conference in Vancouver, researchers from the University of Montreal will unveil a new sketching system that blows previous innovations in 3D design out of the water. It’s called Hyve-3D, which is short for Hybrid Virtual Environment 3D, and it allows designers to easily create a 3D simulation of any object,…

Mobile rumours: Nexus 9 leak, Samsung’ watchphone, Galaxy Alpha specs leak

The world of mobile news is scary and complicated, with rumours flying about all over the place about what the many different companies are planning on doing. If you don’t know what you’re looking for then chances are you won’t get very far, so to ease your burden here are some of today’s biggest mobile…

Scientists can manipulate bacteria to kill cervical cancer

Researchers have manipulated the body’s natural defences in order to nip cervical cancer in the bud. Scientists from Duke University in the US were able to destroy genes which trigger the spread of the disease. Because it's caused by a virus, human papillomavirus (HPV), which also causes half of all head and neck cancers, the…

Would you buy Sproutling (essentially a Fitbit for your baby)?

So, we all knew wearables were a big deal. Anyone who’s anyone’s got one, and now it seems babies are jumping on the wearable bandwagon too. Sproutling, the self-proclaimed ‘world’s smartest baby monitor’, is trying to give parents some peace of mind, but is it just a bit too much? Designed by a team of…