Poll: Tweetdeck is the most downloaded Twitter Client – do you use it?

A round of back-patting at TweetDeck the other day as they released figures showing that they are the most downloaded Twitter client with 15 million downloads of their desktop app. To put out a few more stats: the TweetDeck iPhone app has been downloaded over 2.5 million times and every day across all their apps…

iPhone app includes the eerie creaks from Lost

Want to recreate that eerie, surreal terrified feeling you get from watching Lost? Well you can now bring a little bit of it into your sitting room with an prank app that will play back the unsettling jungle echoes from the show. Finally the mulitasking of iOS4, has come in useful. This app can run…

Facebook's new Panic button and five other buttons I'd like them to introduce

Facebook made headlines today with the annoucement of a "Panic Button" aimed at kids at risk of cyber-bullying or worse on the site. Facebook UK launched the initiative with the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP). The "panic button" -- is a Facebook app that adds a tab onto your Facebook profile, clicking on…

Why the Music Industry is getting all hot and bothered about Augmented Reality

It's not a big secret that the music industry got caught napping by the internet. A few years of ignoring it have cost them dear and suddenly they have an industry-crushing crisis on their hands. Mick Jagger gave a bleak little assessement of it all on the BBC Today, claiming that the golden age was over…

Nixon The Trooper review — it's headphone week one

Welcome to Shiny Shiny's headphone week 2010. Everyday for the next fortnight I'll be reviewing a different set of headphones eventually culminating in the definitive league of personal audio. Catchy right? Day 1: The Trooper by Nixon. Allow me to be blunt, those looking for a pair of £50 on-ear headphone might be advised to…

Google's new video ads will talk to you..

Google's new ads will talk to you, if a revenue-generating idea from the tech giant gets approval. CEO Eric Schmidt announced Interactive video ads at a conference run by investment bank Allen & Co. The new ads would be videos that could float across pages and allow users to leave comments in the video. Users…

As Posterous tries to poach WordPress users: which do you prefer?

Slim-line powerblogging site Posterous are hoping to poach Wordpress users to their own platform by launching a widget which would transfer Wordpress blogs wholesale to Posterous. Posterous offers a very stripped down easy way to blog. One of their cornerstone features is the email-to-blog feature meaning you don't even have to sign into a content…

The experience of the feminist geek.. do you agree?

Skimming the interwebs, I came across an interesting article which lays out the experience of the feminist geek. As a feminist geek myself, admittedly a little more softcore than I might be, this article by Mary on GeekFeminism.org pinpointed several key issues. Here are the bits that rang true with me. Do you? Take the…