Video Review: the Bamboo Fun Graphics Tablet

Anna demos the Bamboo Fun Pen and Touch tablet from Wacom. It's a USB pad that lets you draw directly onto your computer. What does Toy Story 3 have to do with this? What is Anna actually drawing? Available on Amazon in medium (£170) and small (£90).

Amazon's new Kindle: cheaper & better

This new Kindle. It's half the price it was a month ago and going by the specs, it's way better. What can we say except that we're seriously considering it. I only wish the exchange rate with the dollar were better so it dipped below £100. The two American versions are priced at $189 (with…

Not for the kids: Sexopoly board game brings a little adult fun to Monolopy

From kid-friendly games to games that are about as kid-friendly as the Dr Pepper Facebook campaign... With Sexopoly the clue's in the name. It's like Monopoly but about the sex industry, not real estate. You can chose to buy up DVD distributors (2000), Lingerie Wholesaler (1000) Adult dating websites (4000), or a Magazine Publishers (1000)…

Kid-friendly app Touch of Fun makes good use of the iPad

Playsoft have extended into the field of iPad apps with a creative play-with-the-kids app called Touch of Fun. Touch of Fun contains 8 different games and makes full use of the iPad's multitouch facilities - the games are for 2 to 4 players and it's all done intuitively with the hands. Sounds like a bunch…

Video Review: Nintendo 3DS hands-on

Gamers - welcome to the next dimenson: TechDigest's Gerald had a hands-on with the new Nintendo 3Ds. His verdict..? NB: Nintendo wouldn't let us film it with the screen on, as they feared the 3D effect wouldn't come across properly.

Wide Open Facebook: 4 moves that have pushed private data into the light

Facebook has been creeping towards openness for a year or two, taking several key steps towards pushing more content into the public domain. Today, a certain Ron Bowes of site Skull Security got a lot of attention for publishing a Torrent file of all publically available facebook data. That's the details of over 100million people,…

Digital radio got sexier, retro Marshall Radio from Pure now has iPod connection

Those who like their audio equipment retro will appreciate the black vinyl, brass control panel and cursive logo of Pure's new EVOKE-1S Marshall radio. A scuffed black outcase, cream button panel and a "fierce" yellow on black display give it a rugged retro glamour. It's a digital radio that picks up FM as wel, it…

Sky 3D channel launching from 1st October. Poll: are you excited?

Sky's 3D TV channel will start broadcasting from the 1st October. Those with a 3D HDTV set and the Sky HD+ box will Pubs will be one of the main beneficiaries of the channel launch, 1500 of them got 3D TV sets when the Premier League final was shown in an extra dimenson in the…