Lovefilm – now you can stream films onto your TV

Lovefilm the DVD rental service have just released a new service which will dramatically change how we watch films. Thanks to a partnership with Sony, it will let you watch films from their massive library of 67,000 titles on demand straight onto your TV. No more DVD waiting lists or waiting for the post office…

UGH of the Week: Steve Jobs' head made out of cheese

I am so sorry to inflict this on everyone before lunch, But the creation of this Mozzerella-based monstrosity must be noted. I'm sure it's an important stage in human evolution or something. A geeky cook blogger who loves Macs and likes getting creative with uh cheese has carved a recogniseable sculpture of Apple's CEO Steve…

Facebook gets first soap opera: we're not terribly optimistic

Would you read a soap-opera on Facebook? Ndreams - digital games producers are betting that people will. They have created an interactive multimedia story and made it into a Facebook app, called the Spirit of Adventure. Part game, part story book, part forum it's one of those things that ticks all the multimedia boxes. I…

The Age of social-networkers: how what age you are affects where you network

Is it any surprise that Bebo users are younger than the members of Linked-In? no, but Research into the ages of social network users by Pingdom popped up some interesting results. Contrary to what you might expect, the 35-45 age bracket are the most likely to be social networkers, beating both the under 17s, the…

The Flat Vase that expands when you add water

So, you want a vase but you just don't want to have it hanging around taking up space when you're not using it - well, how about the flat vase? It's not Waterford Crystal, it's not even glass, it's not something to be very proud of, but it *is* functional. The Flat Vase from Brando,…

Self-Publishing Sites: Five of the Best compared

Ten years ago, self-publishing was a bit embarassing, it was like you couldn't get a traditional publisher interested so you just lumped along to somewhere you knew they'd have you. But with a bit of perspective on the phenomenon, and a pile of sucess stories, self-publishing through a website makes a lot of sense. You…

HTC Desire – this season's it Android phone will come in silver too..

HTC's Desire is perhaps the slickest Android out this season, but looks like HTC are sexing up this 3.7 inch AMOLED handset even more. Hold your breath geekistas, they're releasing it in silver. Breathe out. Yes, HTC are doing silver as well as gunboat grey on their flagship handset according to Engadget. Just a little…

Top 20 blogs you must be following on Tumblr

Tumblr is going from strength to strength. They've abandoned their weird and useless Tumblarity thing, which made the whole blogging platform feel like a silly competition (it may only have been silly because I couldn't get a tumblarity past 9). They've added a pages function which allows for more base-content and a shed-load of integration…

Shiny Poll: would you let an Online Bingo Club sponsor your wedding?

Okay so this isn't strictly speaking a technology story but it does show brand advertising Going To The Next Level. An online Bingo company are offering £5000 to a couple in return for sponsoring their wedding. That means the fiancees get to spend the dosh on the reception, wedding gear or a honeymoon, but in…

The case for the fashion phone – why we don't all need iPhones

In a comeback to our piece on the death of the girl phone, Lauren Bravo from ShinyStyle casts a critical eye over the smartphone market and explains why there's still a niche for the fashion phone and why an iPhone isn't on her shopping list On finding out I was writing this piece, my (male)…