Friday Video Fun: Paris pwns McCain

The story goes thusly: John McCain made an advert accusing Obama of being interested in nothing more than becoming a celebrity like La Hilton (you can see a news report on it over the jump). But McCain wasn't banking on Paris having a few policies of her own. The advert below was her response, and…

Spaceman, I always wanted you to go… get lyrical with this Thomas Sabo pendant

Do you remember the 1996 song by Babylon Zoo? The electronic vocals and synthesized guitars had a generation of teens singing badly into the mirror, and I'm sure they'd be delighted with this astronaut pendant. It's made of sterling silver and has a lovely little chest decoration. Perfect for all those who never signed up…

The very chic strawberry necklace cum USB drive

USB drives shaped like tooth decaying treats/fruit/fast food are coming at us fast and furiously, but we still can't seem to get enough of them. What's extra special about this one is that it doesn't have that plastic-y cheap look like so many USB peripherals out there. And, strawberry necklaces are in, donchaknow, and it…

Watch out for Oyster cards implanted in watches

I'm a big fan of London Transport Oyster cards. They're convenient, easy to use, save time at the barriers, and on a good day you'll get free travel. It seems this isn't enough for some people, as they want their RFID chip implanted in a watch for extra cool. This is a recent craze with…

Nikon's COOLPIX S60 will be a fingerprint fan

The Nikon S60 provides the user with a fully touchscreen interface. This will be a nightmare for the cack-handed as there are literally two buttons, one to turn it on and one to take images. I can't imagine what you'll do when the screen turns into a smudgefest, so delicacy will be needed to keep…

Bamboozle thieves by stashing valuables in the fake electrical outlet

The next best thing to buying a vault is the Hidden Wall Safe Electrical Outlet. Who'd think to check for your valuables in a wall socket (other than the most thorough and meticulous snoopers *ever*)? Thankfully snooping usually involves not having enough time to poke around, so it's highly probable your valuables will go undetected.…

Shiny Preview: Nikon P6000

Nikon launched a Big Daddy of a camera today, and paying no heed to the time/space continuum, he's already been there and checked it out. You can read Zara's full explanation of the camera here, but check out Dan's video for the full 'good lord, it's massive' experience below.

Thursday Tech Tip: Convert videos to MP3s

As a child, I decided that whilst actual music was good, my true love was in TV theme tunes (let's not go into what that said about me). I'd sit by the stereo, piping the TV audio feed through, ready to hit record on the tape at exactly the right moment. But now, the kids…

Grand Theft Auto IV coming to a PC near you

PC users, are you ready? Are you ready for GTA 4? Are you ready to play the game and not end up trying to copy the moves on some unsuspecting taxi driver? Good. Then we can begin. It's coming on the 21st of November, and there will be certain modifications made for PC users, such…

T-Mobile to offer Blackberry Bold from September

There are lots of people out there holding out for the Blackberry Bold, and T-Mobile have some news for them. They're the first to announce they'll be carrying it, with stock arriving in September (chances are it'll be carried on most networks though). It's a good looking phone, with WiFi, HSDPA and GPS. The trackball…