Reluctant upgrades: Why I resent buying new technology

I'm just going to come out and say it: I don't like buying new technology. I will use my all my gadgets - phone, camera, DVD player, laptop - until they are so old and battered they no longer fulfil their function. Only then will I buy something new, and it will be a rash…

Welcome to the Amazon Cloud Drive for Android (but not iPhone)

Amazon has launched a new cloud service that lets users upload their music and stream it from anywhere. It will work for Android, PC and Mac - but so far there is no iPhone app and it will not work on the iPad browser either. The Amazon Cloud Drive launch has the potential to cause…

Proposal via iPad 2 – it's happened.

Now isn't that romantic. An iPad with the words "will you marry me?" engraved on the back, presented in a serene forest setting. ... Or is it? That's what Jordan thought anyway, as he presented said gadget to girlfriend Jessica, in a redwood forest near Crescent City, California. The report from Mashable points out that…

20,000 Twitter users do half the tweeting, study finds

0.05% of Twitter users generate half the tweets on Twitter - that's what Yahoo found in a new study. Half the tweets were created by what Yahoo called 'elite' users, meaning the media, celebrities, organisations and bloggers. The study also confirmed that people tend to flock to others who are like them on twitter: celebrities…

iPad 2 gallery: Ten excellent sleeves

It's here and it's so EXCITING! Ok so few of us have managed to actually get our hands on an iPad 2 yet, but that will change ... eventually. The future of the iPad case and sleeve market was put into question when Apple included that nifty magnetic shield with the new tablet, but many…

We want private internet browsing for "payment security", survey finds (ahem!)

Let's come clean and admit it: the reason we want private internet browsing has nothing to do with card fraud - right? 52% of men polled said they had already used private web browsing, while only 39% of women said the same. 62% of respondents cited payment security as their main motivation, whereas 36% said…

iCorrect – the website that lets you set the record straight (for a fee)

Now there's an idea - a website dedicated to setting the record straight. lets you right "obvious misinterpretations, misinformation and what some might call total lies", according to founder Sir David Tang, whose previous ventures include founding retail chain Shanghai Tang. It will cost you, though - $1,000 per year to use the site…

The internet has made us all bargain hunters, according to survey

Searching for deals is the most popular internet activity, according to a new report from by electronics chain Comet. And here we were thinking social media was on top of our minds when we logged onto the internet, as determined in a recent study by Experian Hitwise. But according to Comet's study, researching deals was…

The next battlefield for mobiles is high-definition audio, says DTS

(Guest post from TechDigest) Imagine this: you are watching a film on your mobile phone, and as the plane flies overhead on the screen it sounds like it flies over your head. Sounds amazing, doesn't it. We're used to this sort of top-notch sound in the cinema, but on a mobile phone? While functionability has…

RIM enlists help from friends for the PlayBook app situation

RIM's PlayBook has had some grumblings from commentators about the availability of apps for the new tablet. But it seems the Blackberry makers have found a way around this: allow Android and Java apps on the PlayBook. BlackBerry App World will now let users access BlackBerry Java Apps and Android Apps - as long as…