Bad at parties? Your oxytocin levels could be to blame

Hate parties? Feel socially anxious? Never know the best thing to say to other people and want to become a hermit after at least half the time you spend having to make polite conversation? Turns out you’re not antisocial, misanthropic, or weird. You just don’t have enough oxytocin. Scientists had been studying this hormone, which…

This chip could turn any item of clothing into an activity tracker

Motion sensing chips could soon be monitoring everything we do. (Well, everything we do with our clothes on, anyway.) A company called mCube has designed a new type of accelerometer that for the first time combines a motion detector with the chip’s circuitry. That makes it much more efficient and cheaper to produce than existing…

Google working on a more subtle, less ridiculous version of Glass

After years of ridicule and 'glasshole' comments, it looks like Google is making an effort to ensure its Glass wearable looks a little more subtle and a little less ridiculous in the future by packing its all important tech within the device itself. According to Gizmodo, Google has filed a new patent that includes the photo above.…

Snapchat could soon make money from disappearing news

Snapchat has well and truly changed our mobile habits for good with its ephemeral messaging app. But the big question everyone's asking now is: how will it make any money? Although your cat selfies and witty one-liners may be fun for you and your mates, they don't really present the team behind the app with…

UK police are breaching social media guidelines

Police forces in England and Wales have investigated 828 police breaches of social media guidelines since February 2009. We’re used to criminals being stupid on social media, whether it’s sharing photos of stuff they’ve, er, dishonestly acquired, or logging onto Facebook using other people’s property. But we expect the police to be a little more…

High school student creates mobile add-on to diagnose malaria

Last month we reported on an app which can identify malaria, and now a California student has developed an add-on for smartphones which can help identify the disease. The project, entitled Athelas, uses a lens attachment for smartphones to identify and magnify blood samples, while a corresponding app provides analysis of the images. Athelas promises…

Sony is releasing a selfie camera shaped like a perfume bottle, for some reason

Everyday it seems we reach a new level of narcissism when it comes to selfies, and now Sony has gone one step further by creating a camera, specifically for selfies, that looks like a perfume bottle. Sadly, it doesn’t act like a perfume bottle though. According to Engadget, Chinese girls have become accustomed to slapping…

Brazilian judge has had enough of Secret’s secrets, calls for ban from Apple

The anonymous gossip app Secret has caused a lot of controversy over the past few months with many suggesting it's leading to harassment, bullying and lots of bitchy gossip. We didn't really expect anything less from an app seemingly built to nurture harassment, bullying and lots of bitchy gossip, but it looks like a Brazilian judge has…

Apple rumours: More iWatch delays, iPhone 6 resolution, curved iWatch?

Those Apple rumours just keep coming, especially coming up to the iPhone 6′s rumoured launch window, and keeping up with them all is proving to be a difficult task. To keep you up to speed, here is today’s round-up of the biggest Apple rumours and news. 1. iOS 8 code holds a potential clue for…