Apple iPad stampede, 25,000 sold an hour

It may have been decried by critics as a giant iPhone but that hasn't stopped a mad rush to buy the Apple iPad. Apparently, 125,000 were ordered on Friday - weeks before it goes on sale in the US on April 3 for between £460 and £545. It's expected to go on sale in the…

Is Foursquare just a London thing?

There's no denying that location based game Foursquare is on a bit of a roll at the moment. The number of people playing the online location based game has rocketed, it recently announced some interesting partnerships with UK retailers and it has Vodafone on board too. And now Foursquare appears to have landed the big…

Psst wanna buy an imported iPad? The UK eBay iPad scramble begins

Today at Shiny Towers we have been discussing how we might be able to nab one of the iPads that lucky Americans will be taking delivery of very soon. We thought about a quick trip to New York (too pricey), enlisting one of our Stateside buddies (bit worried about customs) and a few other wheezes,…

How to Back Up: Five tips to keep your hard drive purring

So you want to know how to back up? Well good for you -- we've all been in that awful situation: You're working away on that snazzy new infographic when, click... click, click, click. Crap. You reboot in the vain hope that it's just a crash -- but it's not, you knew it wasn't antyway.…

Foursquare team up with Starbucks – world domination beckons

It has been a pretty good year for Foursquare so far. The number of people playing the online location based game has rocketed, it recently announced some interesting partnerships with UK retailers and it has Vodafone on board too. And now Foursquare appears to have landed the big one. According to Mashable the company has…

The GPS-enabled dog collar that tracks your beloved pooch from your phone

Where *is* that pesky dog/lovable pooch/furry soulmate of yours? Well if you had only embedded a GPS tracking device into his collar, you would know exactly. And you could track his progress on your phone as he mooches from one side of the garden to the other side and then runs around in circles for…

Gallery: Linux open a merchandise store, geek T-shirts a-go-go

Linux, the stripped-down computer operating system favoured by hardcore geeks and members of the leet-erati have just launched... their own merchandise store. Yes I think that makes us all very happy. Is it an attempt to gain a wider fan-base? to give them a friendly accessible feeling? Or was the demand for this gear just…

App review: Vlingo the voice recognition app

Phones keyboards are fiddly to use so an app which lets you use your voice to activate controls on the phone could make the whole process smoother and easier. There have been a few apps that offer this, but one of the bigger ones is Vlingo. By opening the app and talking to it, you…

App Review: Tweetsii mushes Foursquare in with Twitter

New app Tweetsii, from Dutch social networking platform Gypsii (which has been very successful in China) promises a richer Twitter experience. Tweetsii has a lot of competition in more established Twitter apps: Tweetie, Twitterific, TwitterBerry. Does it provide a better experience? If you're internally groaning at the thought of yet another Twitter app, let's cut…