Is a women-only Ghostbusters on the way?

Who you gonna call? Well, Sandra Bullock would be good. Kristen Wiig could certainly kick ghost butt. And Melissa McCarthy is a no-brainer. Paul Feig, director of smash lady-centric comedies Bridesmaids and The Heat (plus, fact fans, once a minor character on Sabrina the Teenage Witch) is apparently in talks to revitalise the 30-year old…

Google’s Baseline Study will find out what makes us healthy

Google wants to map every aspect of a healthy human body. (I mean, why not? It’s not like they’re busy.) The company’s ambitions are right there in its mission statement: ‘to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful’. Thinking small, we once thought they were just referring to text on the…

Scientists have found the part of our brains that makes us expect the worst

Good news for real-life grumpy cats: if you find yourself expecting the worst and struggle to get motivated, the problem isn't your personality. You probably just have a hyperactive habenula. British scientists now believe that this small (half the size of a pea) part of the brain is responsible for our negative predications and worse-case-scenario…

Cute Overload #6: This baby monkey needs a bath!

STOP EVERYTHING! For today's Cute Overload, we're obsessing over this  video of a baby monkey having a bath. We always knew baby monkeys were adorable, looking like little baby humans and all, but seeing one have a bath, while clinging on to a human hand just warms our cockles. Then the whole towel drying bit…

Could this light-up jacket make cycling safer?

A new jacket is aimed at making cycling around London (and other cities) safer for women. Despite the stellar example set by Victoria Pendleton and Laura Trott, and the fact that the 2012 Olympics inspired around 200,000 people to get on their bikes, men are still three times as likely as women to cycle, and…

Smart home systems aren’t secure, says study

A future where our homes are connected to our smartphones, and all our appliances are hooked up to the internet of things, sounds exciting– think of the time you’ll save when your fridge can order its own groceries, or you can switch off your lights and put on the burglar alarm with a single swipe.…

Colour-changing ice cream is now a reality

After hearing about glow-in-the-dark ice cream, breast milk ice cream, crocodile egg ice cream and of course, Viagra ice cream, I didn't think there were any more ways for frozen milk to surprise us. Of course, I was wrong. A Spanish scientist has now invented colour-changing ice cream. As PSFK reports, Manuel Linares, a physicist…

Other people’s brainwaves can predict what we want to watch

Scientists have known for a long time that certain areas of our brains light up when we’re enjoying what we’re watching. But researchers from the City College of New York and Georgia Tech wanted to find out if they could use the reactions of a small group of people to predict how millions more would…