IsItFunnyToday? Another minute of your life saved

We're all very busy people, what with Christmas shopping, Christmas eating and Christmas drinking, and I'd hazard a guess that your RSS reader is giving you extreme Unread Guilt right now. There's no time for investing valuable seconds in waiting for your preferred webcomic to load, only to find out it's having an off day.…

Friday Video Fun: Lego NXT Rubiks cube solver

This is why robots will inherit the earth. Because there's some fuckwit building robots who can solve rubiks puzzles, and all the while, that robot is thinking "yeah, you just sit there filming me, smartboy. We'll see who's filming who in a few years time".

Secret Santa Solutions: under £5

Christmas is here, and inevitably, that involves the dreaded Secret Santa. Well, don't worry - we're here to help. We've found you a site to take the organisational pain away and we've sorted out the most hard to buy for colleagues. We've even broken it down by budget. And best of all? You don't even…

Sky offers up lacklustre online viewing package

Following the lead of most of television-land, Sky has decided to make its content available online. Except as a 'premium content' service, it'll be charging you for the pleasure. Similar to it's TV-based packages, there's an Entertainment Package, with the likes of the Disney Channel, British Eurosport and the National Geographic Channel, which will set…

Shiny Review: Advent 4213 netbook

Zara's been eyeing up the netbook space for a while, and it seems the Advent might have convinced her to dive in. There's a 160GB hard drive, 1GB of RAM and Windows XP. You can pick one up here.

Secret Santa sorted thanks to ThinkSecretSanta

Our Secret Santa Solutions are hopefully helping you out with gift ideas, but what if you're the poor sod who's been left to organise the whole thing? Trying to ensure everyone's picked a name, has bought a gift and hasn't just gone through the crap they've accumulated over the year in their desk drawer, can…

Shiny Review: Headphone head to head

Duncan, Lucy and Zara get cosy on the two-seater sofa, to test out the best in noise isolating and noise cancelling headphones. There's rice crispies, obnoxious phone calls and science goggles. We do things properly here at Shiny Towers. Get your SHURE SE102s for £40 here Able Planet Clear Harmony for $99 Denon AH-NC732 for…

Warning: Big Brother bosses are watching your internet

You. Yes, you. This post is specifically directed at you. Hi. I thought I should bring it to your attention that apparently, 65% of employers monitor internet activity in the office. This could be blocking Facebook, it could be positioning their desk behind you, so they can see what you're looking at. As the guy…

Currently obsessed with: Songbird

You know when you have one of those days when you're just feeling all 'Wow, technology is really really really really great'? I've had one of those today. Things have worked, there's been lots of cool announcements, and no one has said anything twatty on YouTube. Technology *is* great. Specifically, today I discovered Songbird, which…

Philips electronic tattoo concept – a new kind of 'physical mutilation'

According to Philips, "Tattoos and physical mutilation are amongst the oldest forms of personal expression and identity" and they've come up with an electronic tattoo, which "traverses across the landscape of the body, navigated by desire". And at this point you should be wondering if this is Dutch copy that someone asked the work experience…