Facebook is under investigation for its news feed experiment in the UK

The recent revelation that Facebook used mild emotional manipulation on 689,000 of its users has left users all over the globe angry and UK regulators unimpressed. The controversial experiment, which took place in 2012 without users’ express consent, is set to be investigated by the Information Commissioner’s Office, the body responsible for the enforcement of the…

Share the ‘Orange is the New Black’ love with these smartphone covers

Would you throw your pie for Alex Vause, or are you more of a Piper fan? (And if the latter: whyyyyy?) Either way, you can declare your character allegiances for everyone’s favourite Netflix show via these fun fan art Orange is the New Black smartphone cases that come in white. And, um, orange and black.…

Beats Solo 2 review – So soundproof you might get run over!

The first thing you notice about the Beats Solo 2 is how good they look, which is something we've come to expect from Beats. However, once you put them on, you realise the sound has greatly improved from the Beats Solo HD too – they're so soundproof, in fact, that I almost got run over…

The Lightir wants to help you stop smoking

A lighter that will help you ditch cigarettes might sound counterintuitive, but the team behind the Lightir have some innovative ideas that could actually help compulsive smokers kick the habit. The little gizmo is the size of a normal lighter but has a lot more inside. It comes with a built-in Bluetooth 4.0 chip and…

Artifact Uprising has created the most beautiful Instagram photo books we’ve ever seen

Ever since Instagram first took over our lives with its retro filters and twee little frames companies have been dreaming up ways to turn our snaps into magnets, cushions and even marshmallows! However, the only Instagram-themed merchandise we'd ever REALLY need would be traditional photo albums, for gifts or just coffee table decorations. There are…

Hello Kitty! Here’s the ‘demon cat’ that’s captivated (and terrified) Japan

A black cat with long ear-fur resembling horns has caused quite a stir in Japan’s cyberspace. Photos of the feline fiend have spread across the internet, prompting a surge of comments, shares and likes from users of the website etoday.net. Cats are well-known for their cold, somewhat devilish traits, and Japan has a history of…

Researchers are closer to making wearable smartphones a reality

Forget about losing your phone ever again: the next step in wearable tech could be having electronics integrated into our clothes. (Take that, iWatch.) After extensive testing, engineers from Stanford University in the US have discovered a thin material that is not only flexible but can be switched on or off, toggling between conductive and…

Scientists have developed tiny clotting balls to stop bleeding and save lives

Scientists have developed tiny clotting balls that could help stop catastrophic bleeding, saving millions of people’s lives. US researchers at Case Western Reserve University, Wayne State University, and Virginia Tech wanted to address the fact that there are few effective treatment options for profuse bleeding, which is a leading cause of military deaths, and the…

Metail has made Cher Horowitz’ Clueless wardrobe a real thing!

Did you, like us, grow up wishing you could have Cher Horowitz' digitised and colour-coordinated wardrobe – checked co-ords and all? Well, Metail have sort of made it possible for the Clueless lifestyle to be a real thing. As if! To launch its digital fitting room, Metail is encouraging you to create your own 'MeModel'…

10 Music making apps for the iPhone and iPad: GarageBand, Korg and Figure

It’s not so long ago that music recording was just for people who could afford to hire a professional studio and engineer. To have the self belief that those hundreds of pounds per day weren’t being wasted came from many hours of tuition, rehearsal and performance (or in some cases just a massive ego. Artists…