New iPhone case lights up to show your friends' mood

We thought we couldn't know any more about what our friends are doing at any given moment, thanks to the world of social media, but The Feeling Skin has now created a social network based on emotion, complete with a smartphone case that lights up to tell you what mood your friends are in. The…

Tumblr apps now let you edit your blog from your mobile

Today simple blogging platform Tumblr has announced that its users can now customise the way their Tumblr blog looks directly from within its iOS app with a brand new baked-in editor. Tumblr is one of the most open blogging platforms when it comes to basic customisation that doesn't require you to host your blog yourself…

It's now OK to chat to your washing machine, thanks to LG

Do you ever find yourself getting annoyed at your home appliances and start calmly talking to them to try getting them to work properly? Thanks to LG, you can now actually communicate with your fridge, washing machine, microwave and oven with a new HomeChat service. Yes, this does sound like a bizarre idea, but, hold…

Battle of the wearables: Jawbone Up 24 vs. Misfit Shine

There are so many different wearable devices on the market at the moment that it can be really hard to keep track of which gadget does what and how well it performs. Here at ShinyShiny we've been reviewing some of our favourite activity tracking gadgets and have plenty more to come over the next few…

Google Now to bring annoying ad retargeting to your daily life

Ever been shopping online to then see the same shoes you were thinking of buying appear on EVERY web page you visit for the next week? Well that's called retargeting and not only is it really annoying, but (in our personal experience) it never makes us go back and buy the shoes. In fact, we…

You can now live in a completely automated Jetsons-style home

Our homes are becoming smarter everyday and even the dullest of tech brands are branching out into cool, connected devices to make our home lives easier and more automated than ever. But how would you like to live in the world's most connected and automated home with a kitchen that has glass partitions, which turn…

We're not sure how, but it's 10 years since Friends ended

It seems that everyday there's a piece of pop culture we can all sit and reminisce about because it's twenty years since that movie was made or ten years since that awesome actress died. We tend to avoid getting involved in these debates because they seem to bring on a collective sense of sadness about…

Will anyone really buy a Tesco smartphone?

Tesco is set to launch its own branded smartphone by the end of the year, according to a radio interview with the supermarket's Chief Executive, Philip Clarke. According to reports today, the Tesco phone will be running a version of Google's Android OS and will come with a number of Tesco services already installed, much…