A Dropbox bug is wiping some user files

As useful as cloud storage is for making automatic backups of our files and data, it's not a perfect system and should never be used as the only backup you have. This latest Dropbox bug is a very clear indicator of that. Dropbox has confirmed that there is a bug in older versions of its…

Christopher Reeve’s son is crowdfunding potential paralysis treatment

Matthew Reeve, son of the most iconic on-screen Superman, Christopher Reeve, is raising money online to fund a trial for a new treatment option for people with spinal cord paralysis. As New Scientist reports, Reeve is a board member of the Dana and Christopher Reeve foundation, the research and campaigning organisation set up by his…

Thirteen year-old Alyssa Carson is preparing for her mission to Mars

When some of us were 13, our hobbies were moaning about school, watching Home and Away, and hanging out at the local mall on weekends. But Alyssa Carson has other ideas. Ideas that are literally out of this world. She wants to be the first person to walk on Mars, and she's already preparing for…

Amazon’s opening its first real-world shop… sort of

Not content with ruling the world of online shopping, Amazon will be apparently be opening a decidedly non dot com shop in New York in time for Christmas. The rumoured pop-up store will be at 7 West 34th St, which is opposite the Empire State Building and, as The Mary Sue points out, right next…

World Mental Health Day tackles schizophrenia stigma

World Mental Health Day is on 10 October every year and today the focus is on reducing the stigma around schizophrenia. Living with a mental health condition is hard enough. Living with one that's misunderstood, that some people are scared of and others (inaccurately) use as a metaphor and a joke ('my look is so…

Ten wonderful women who changed medicine for the better #InspriringWomenWeek

Women may have been discouraged from entering the medical profession for most of history, but whittling this list down to ten still wasn't easy: our gender's made up for being ostracised for so long by achieving some incredible things in a short space of time. Some of the women on this list changed medicine by…

Should you buy a tablet or an e-reader?

[nextpage title="Next"] There comes a time when you're looking to expand your mobile device portfolio beyond that of a smartphone or a laptop. You want something that's suitable for reading on. A laptop isn't really suited for that, and a smartphone's screen isn't really big enough. When you're looking for a mobile reading device then…

What’s the difference between Mac and Windows?

[nextpage title="Next"] The two major computer operating systems in the world are Windows and Mac OS, with the overwhelming majority of systems running on one or the other. But what exactly is the difference between the two? They can't be that different can they? Well there are a number of things that make them both…

Transport for London will introduce driverless Tube trains from 2020

The tube is always a nightmare in certain places, especially if you're travelling at rush hour. To try and combat the congestion, and to deal with the problem of London's growing population, TfL has revealed the new driverless tube trains that will start going into service from 2020. 250 of the new trains will go into…